Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

Biggest problem with fighter jet vs attack jet is that the attack jet has a very weak main gun. Any good pilot can avoid heatseekers but with the attack jet having a poor gun it's hard to come out on top of an attack jet.

While the gun is very weak if you can get on their tail for long enough you can shoot them down. The problem is in getting there, and then staying there long enough to do some damage when the pilot of the attack jet is trying to do the same to you.

I think if they gave the fighter jets gun a 1.5 - 2X damage multiplier against all air vehicles it would help.

I very rarely use the missiles unless I know that they have got no countermeasures to deploy.
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 2057

Additional information about the problem:
BCCode: 124
BCP1: 0000000000000000
BCP2: FFFFFA800A155028
BCP3: 00000000BE000000
BCP4: 000000000100110A
OS Version: 6_1_7601
Service Pack: 1_0
Product: 768_1

Files that help describe the problem:

My first BSOD in over 5 years. Loving the new patch Dice! :rolleyes:
Biggest problem with fighter jet vs attack jet is that the attack jet has a very weak main gun. Any good pilot can avoid heatseekers but with the attack jet having a poor gun it's hard to come out on top of an attack jet.

What the hell?

The attack jet main canon is better than ALL OTHER AIR BASED GUNS. It has the best air to air AND air to surface capabilities.

The stealth jet is weak and pointless.
Out of interest what loadout do you use on the LB? I think i'm in Div 1 world too but probably more luck than judgement. I rock the 30mm cannons which get me most of my kills, still have heatseekers on but should probably ditch those? Tried using ECM jammer but it didn't seem to work so moved back to flares :)

tried and tested, 30mm cannons + heatseakers + ecm , gyro-stabilty or belt feeder work the best in my experience so far mostly I spend my time mowing down infantry the 30mm cannons rip through them like butter. Can do decent damage to LAVs, fly away + ecm when your locked on, sometimes a missile might hit you with ECM active but it wont do full damage and you can brush it off.

FPS Massively improved for this patch, still crashed once though. Golden rule: DONT RE-ENTER A SERVER IF YOU CRASH UNTIL YOU HAVE A BATTLE-REPORT POP UP, Then you keep your points/upgrades from that match.
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Today is the worst day since the game was released, I literally can't play for more than 2 minutes before disconnecting/crashing.

At least game's still in Beta, when is release again? :(
Just a heads up chaps, current server release (R10) is crashing almost every round. GSP's have sent logs to to DICE and from what I gather they don't need any more so its obviously pretty widespread. I'm not expecting much run later.
Watching the gadget video all I kept thinking was 'one more step closer to COD'.

I think its safe to say BF4 is very unlikely to be picked up competitively, too many issues to be fixed and if they do we will be closer to BF5.
What the hell?

The attack jet main canon is better than ALL OTHER AIR BASED GUNS. It has the best air to air AND air to surface capabilities.

The stealth jet is weak and pointless.

Sorry was talking about jets too much and got mixed up :D I meant that the Stealth jet main gun is very poor and with equally matched players in each the attack jet would come up top because of the gun strength.


LVLCap uploaded a nice video about balance the other day, I agree with most of his points, especially regarding vehicles.

I saw that video as well and he was pretty spot on with most of his comments.
I actually only came across LVLCap since the BF4 Beta, his video's are rather good, as is Matimi0's.
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