TBPH, I really don't know how people put up with hardcore mode in bf 3 and bf 4.
- team killing gits
- loads more campers due to no 3d spotting, kill cam
- die in like 1 shot so no time to react
- snipers can kill in one shot
- I have found there to be less team work than in normal mode (at least for bf 3 this was the case)
Spotting isn't much of a problem in normal mode any more as:
1. hardly anyone spots!
2. you can't spot anywhere as much, especially when in aircraft
3. you can use that squad perk to reduce the time you are spotted etc.
On the topic of spotting, I have noticed that a lot more people are using their mini map compared to bf 3 now!
I will never play normal mode due to one aspect - enter a room in normal mode and no matter how skilled you are the time it takes to put enough damage on one player to kill them allows any number of average players to react and kill you - hardcore mode you can wipe out a whole squad before they can react if theres a big enough skill gap. (Applies a little more to COD than BF4 but even in BF4 I find it mostly true).