Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

Quality of the game innit :D.

sodding sound loops tonight is doing my fruit in arghhhhh

few decent rounds with crispy n chipmunk tho so not all bad :)

Fortunately it's started working again so not all bad!

I've had a fair few of those tonight, had to call it quits, that combined with my awfulness was too much for me haha.

Didn't realise that was you!
64 players, 3200 tickets? If the revives were the same as BF3 I'd be all over that! Think of the SPM! :eek:

Oh I dont play it to feed a choke point addition, I really like the map and the long rounds suit my play style. But yes i tried one round just healing and rezzing, think I got 40k on the scoreboard and another 200k unboosted for ribbons, medals etc... I got over 200 of them!
Oh I dont play it to feed a choke point addition, I really like the map and the long rounds suit my play style. But yes i tried one round just healing and rezzing, think I got 40k on the scoreboard and another 200k unboosted for ribbons, medals etc... I got over 200 of them!

I've often finished a round with 0-0 K:D ratio but top of the leaderboard based purely on medic score. The good ol' days of 64 player Metro! I'll have to jump on with you, add me on ze Battlelog. :D
get a few names off here and squad up with them if you haven't already, getting more of us using the in game viop as well :).

My origin name is 2-Korso feel free to add me on origin, willing to give the game a few more tries before I alt+f4 in life
Don't forget there is a list in the OP you can add your name to and to look for others. :)

Oh yeah, thanks for that, I joined well after the OP and didn't read past the server list, done!

Nice to see some fellow OCUK tags in my friends list now, don't feel quite so alone lol

Had to chuckle earlier as Nexus was ripping the other team apart on Shanghai and he had a suppressed lmg I think. All I could hear was pew..pewpew.. pewpewpew...:D Great squad work in that map too as all 5 of us stuck together with one support,one assault and 3 engys...ownage.

Even enjoyed the locker 64 round , despite losing I finally got some kills and a few points. That Dawnbreaker Obliteration was different, mad cluster**** as everyone chased the bomb. Dont usually do Oblit but it was on the rotation.

haha yeah running around with the m249, absolute beast!

Hate using a silencer for a few reasons:

- sounds like crap!
- reduces bullet speed + increases drop (not too bad though.......)

But it is better than showing up on the map and having 4 guys running towards you! Also, virtually no sound so a group of enemies won't be aware that they are being shot at for a bit.

First time playing oblit. personally wasn't too fussed on it, certainly a game mode where you need to squad up and work together.
Anyone know how to change FOV in campaign mode? It seems to be locked at some ridiculously low value making the game almost unplayable as it is like you are permanently scoped, the menu slider only affects multiplayer.
Why did the bring commander back? Not only can he spam UAVs. With 3d spotting and that combined, might as well just have everyone showing up on the mini map all the time. Spawn, spotted one hit dead. Rinse repeat.

i don't have as much of a problem with the commander mode, as with certain flags generating more armour.

some that spring to mind are the A&B & E flags on paracel storm, you get AA, an attack boat and a little bird, and on shanghai for A/E you get a tank), ok give the commander extra things to use on flags, but don't give armour as well ffs.
Thought I'd have one final game tonight. 30 seconds in, I jump into a heli only for the pilot to bail out above a tower so he could do some sniping. I let him know in chat that I wasn't happy. :rolleyes:

I'm done with the game until the next patch (**** up).
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