Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

I feel really sorry that Diagro had to endure me rage on TS3 for his first ever game of Battlefield 4 - sorry pal!

Well played though, I remember my first day I was utterly useless for at least five rounds.
I'm absolutely sick to the back ******* teeth of low skill idiots running around with their pump action shotguns. It's pathetic and they have absolutely no skill at all.

lol at crying about how some people aren't skilled at a video game, like its something to be ashamed off.

bad nerd, bad.
BF4 was terrible last night.

What did it for me was getting one hit killed out of a littlebird at 200feet by a guy who was a passenger in another littlebird 200m away....with a .44 unscoped magnum.
The guys on TS said it was scoped but according to BL it wasn't just normal iron sights...that is just next to impossible really and I have had enough.
I think I might go back to BF3 HC SQDM competitively as that is where I had the most fun, 4 4man squads!
guys, any idea why when I try to map my gadget 1 to any of my mouse buttons, it will not work....yet gadget 2 on any mouse button works just fine? I want to get defibs on side button 1 and medikit on side button 2 (thumb buttons on left of mouse) Just trying some different key setups for fast use instead of reaching up to the number 3 and 4 keys on keyboard.

Its a bug in the game bud, I had the same issue, I solved it by running a BF4 setting editor I found on google called Realmware, it says BF3 settings but it BF4 you can customising the key binds till your hearts content. DICE don't like giving us that much control.
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BF4 was terrible last night.

What did it for me was getting one hit killed out of a littlebird at 200feet by a guy who was a passenger in another littlebird 200m away....with a .44 unscoped magnum.
The guys on TS said it was scoped but according to BL it wasn't just normal iron sights...

110% Scoped .44 man, I was in the co-pilot seat with Nexus and was looking at him trying to force him out with my mind, jedi style. All that resulted was you getting shot.
lol at crying about how some people aren't skilled at a video game, like its something to be ashamed off.

To see him *really* kick off, go and find whichever building he is defending, park a Humvee outside, run off and leave it there for the round. ;)
guys, any idea why when I try to map my gadget 1 to any of my mouse buttons, it will not work....yet gadget 2 on any mouse button works just fine? I want to get defibs on side button 1 and medikit on side button 2 (thumb buttons on left of mouse) Just trying some different key setups for fast use instead of reaching up to the number 3 and 4 keys on keyboard.

Try mapping the non working key to "select underslung weapon" as well. I.e. if your gaget 1 key is "x" make both "select gadget 1" and "select underlung wepaon" as "x".
lol at crying about how some people aren't skilled at a video game, like its something to be ashamed off.

bad nerd, bad.

Hardly crying, but it's extremely frustrating when somebody who goes for the cheap kills is constantly spamming his shotgun because he doesn't have the skill to take you out with an assault rifle.
guys, any idea why when I try to map my gadget 1 to any of my mouse buttons, it will not work....yet gadget 2 on any mouse button works just fine? I want to get defibs on side button 1 and medikit on side button 2 (thumb buttons on left of mouse) Just trying some different key setups for fast use instead of reaching up to the number 3 and 4 keys on keyboard.

Not sure if someone answered this but if they didnt what you need to do is make gadget 1 as the unslung weapon keybind. I wanted to make F my defibs and it was the only way to do it.
Hardly crying, but it's extremely frustrating when somebody who goes for the cheap kills is constantly spamming his shotgun because he doesn't have the skill to take you out with an assault rifle.

This is such a weird attitude to have especially in any FPS. If he is close enough to kill you with a shotgun then he will kill you with an assault rifle at that range 9 times out of 10. All he has to do instead of killing you in one click is he has to click and hold.
This is such a weird attitude to have especially in any FPS. If he is close enough to kill you with a shotgun then he will kill you with an assault rifle at that range 9 times out of 10. All he has to do instead of killing you in one click is he has to click, hold AND CONTROL RECOIL.

let me fix this for you, most if not all shotguns noobs cant control recoil which is why they like noob cannons
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Recoil control at pretty much point blank range is hardly that difficult with any automatic weapon in BF4 now is it? Click hold and move the mouse down a little. I know hit boxes can be waff but they are not that bad.
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