Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

Awesome rounds with marty etc. there, quite enjoyed obliteration, destroyed the other team :D

And then some more awesome rounds with westie, patsy etc.

Should have seen the amount of rage and hackusations tonight, unbelievable :D

The main whiner even created a thread on it LOL

Really getting sick of getting Tank hits on heli's, seeing the shell explode on the damn thing yet the game decides "nah, you didn't hit it".


It actually seems to have gotten worse! :eek: :o

Bc 2 = was very rare
BF 3 = happened a fair bit
BF 4 = WAY too often, pretty much 70% of my shots don't register :(


any tips for me then looking at my stats? maybe we can play some games and I can follow you round learning??

My main tips are (although very basic obvious stuff but it works for me! :p)

- use your mini map non-stop! I am checking it pretty much every 2 secs
- fire in short controlled bursts i.e. no more than 4 bullets whilst pulling down in the opposite direction of the recoil
- ADS before you go around corners or/and engage someone (with this game if you go ADS and fire straight away, you still have the accuracy of hip fire i.e. your bullets go everywhere, need to wait a sec. and of course preferably stand still but if the person is aware of your position then move side to side)
- if you run out of ammo whilst in a fire fight either, get to cover (if you are nearby and can make it) or change to pistol
- aim for the head, don't settle for anything else!
- when using vehicles and not targeting any enemy etc. always use 3P view, hear better and see more
- always stick to cover and don't peak/lean out any more than required, don't want to give the enemy more to shoot at
- tank gameplay, it is all about the angles! back>sides>front and you want to get a straight head on shot, not from an angle, always try to get the jump on another tank otherwise you will be left with very little health once you take it down and therefore open for an easy kill by rpg etc. (unless you have someone repairing you or/and others helping take the tank out)
- spot non stop, not only does it help the team but it makes it easier for you to target and keep track of the enemy
- when in tanks, don't waste shells on infantry unless they are behind a wall etc. HMG/LMG far more effective
- this game favours a more slow approach so don't go racing in, especially with tanks!

The rest just comes down to map knowledge and tactics i.e. flanking and of course your own reaction time etc., all of which will improve with time.

And just watch lots of videos, I recommend mainly xfactor's videos and lvlcap, you sort of adapt their play style after a while.

Just having a look at your loadout too, get rid of the compensator and stubby grip, for pretty much every gun, you are better of using ergo/vertical grip, no barrel attachment (silencer is good but decreases bullet velocity i.e. slower travel and more drop so you have to target lead and aim a bit higher).

Personally I change the scope too, holo is ok but kobra and coyote better as it doesn't take up as much space and also try to stick with the same scope with every gun as iirc aiming sensitivity is different with certain scopes.


6 more assault kills until I unlock the phantom prospect dog tag :D
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Another evening of terrible play, idiots on teams crashing helis or using them for personal transport, and terrible hitreg.

I went on a 64p earlier and the other team was spamming UCAVs, you literally spawned and died instantly, no fun.
UCAV's and no there is none hence today I have killed around 400 people with it for about 10-20 deaths...uCAV bro?

It doesn't but I was playing with and against EA guys today and they unofficially confirmed that it is getting nerfed, just couldn't say whether it was before or after when everyone gets China Rising.

Had a real laugh having EA's Pr3sident as my rep ***** :D

Yet another unlocked nerfed before I get the chance to unlock it! (Everytime a slot opens for the bomber i get tk'd for it)
I've been rep ho for nexus a few times now, I considered myself a half decent armour player in BF3, not been in the MBT's much in 4, what a shock I had. Picked up some good tips - the main one is not pushing objectives, without infy support you have no chance against the collosal amount of c4, mines, slams et al. Staying back just outside the buildings or in cover seems to be the way. It is all about the angles, and using the HMG against infy.

Running around the m249 w/supressor is quickly becoming my fave thing to do however. Gun is a beast.
Odd error for em this morning:
Could not join server, game and server version mismatch

[FR]-AdN- Conquest-Rush - Gametracker -VOTEMAP
SERVER ADDRESS109.239.151.144:25200

Anyone abel to connect?
My game is upto date

And again :/
THE FAMILY [FMLY] - S1 | Air & Vehicle | Fast Vehicle Spawn
Another 800/900MB patch already? We had one that large just a week ago didn't we?

Game must be more broken than I thought!

Was nice playing couple of games with some of you yesterday. Just sorry didn't have more time. Did try joining up again later, but got disconnected and decided to go to bed instead.

Oh, and sorry for my stupid "same key assigned to speak in game and ts" moment!
Another 800/900MB patch already? We had one that large just a week ago didn't we?

Game must be more broken than I thought!

Was nice playing couple of games with some of you yesterday. Just sorry didn't have more time. Did try joining up again later, but got disconnected and decided to go to bed instead.

Oh, and sorry for my stupid "same key assigned to speak in game and ts" moment!

Bought bf4 the other night and was wondering if it was always this well not broken but poorly designed compared to bf3 at launch, when i go to join a game it takes me a few tries as i get disconnected from the server before joining and then have to find a different server. plus i seem to have to wait about 10 minutes before i join a match.

Also is there a server from the ones in the OP which you guys regularly play on?
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