Just died while, according to my screen anyway, my target and the person who shot me (being that they were the same person) didn't even turn to face me. They were facing away from me and I died, shot by the person who was still facing away from me.
Also some stuttering and lag but only tried one server. I did manage a complete round on Siege of Shanghai without crashing though!!
Whoever it was moaned about QA do you honestly think 200 people (Even though I doubt DICE had that many testers alongside normal staff) even playing 100 hours of QA each (20,000 hours total QA time which is probably a lot in this industry) could get anywhere close to the sheer number of hours played and people playing in the first DAY never mind months after launch! If the game sold 5 million copies and people played for 2 hours on the first day that's 10,000,000 hours of playtime!? Of course there are going to be bugs but they were forced into releasing early by EA. If they delayed it no doubt loads of people would be moaning about it.