Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

Apart from the UCAV / SUAV situation nothing has changed to any guns / missiles.

I saw in XFactors last vid, he's still claiming they are tweaking weapon balance via server side.

I know you know the Symthic guys, is that even possible or has he got a bad case of placebo going on? :)

What does China Rising add exactly? Is it just extra MP maps and weapons?
Pretty much, some assignments too...
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Just died while, according to my screen anyway, my target and the person who shot me (being that they were the same person) didn't even turn to face me. They were facing away from me and I died, shot by the person who was still facing away from me.

Also some stuttering and lag but only tried one server. I did manage a complete round on Siege of Shanghai without crashing though!!

Whoever it was moaned about QA do you honestly think 200 people (Even though I doubt DICE had that many testers alongside normal staff) even playing 100 hours of QA each (20,000 hours total QA time which is probably a lot in this industry) could get anywhere close to the sheer number of hours played and people playing in the first DAY never mind months after launch! If the game sold 5 million copies and people played for 2 hours on the first day that's 10,000,000 hours of playtime!? Of course there are going to be bugs but they were forced into releasing early by EA. If they delayed it no doubt loads of people would be moaning about it.

Having worked on Games and Application QA theres BIG difference between reporting a bug and production deeming it bad enough to fix or development being able to fix it in a timely manner.

That being said the new patch made a lot of things worse for more. The annoying sound bug is worse. and the irony. The fix for the flickering envioment ? a issue I never had. Guess what i got now flickering so bad and wide spread on outside areas for maps it could give people a headahce and/or fit.
I updated my drivers yesterday, for me the 331.65's were the best so far, But installed the 331.93 betas yesterday along with the patch. Much better than it was when i tried it last, no more random frame rate drops like with the 82's and 93's pre patch.

Kill trading is still very much an issue, it hasn't been fixed.

Not really ever had any major netocode issues but it does 'feel' better now.

Battlescreen on Android Tablets doesn't work, still. Yet its flawless on iPad. This upsets me.

battlelog down for update. Please god say they are fixing the flickering!
Its tuesday. ;)
all while the flickering textures can be a bit annoying...I found after a while I kinda just got used to it and phased it out :p I do feel it gave me a massive advantage in the little bird though, as from distance the ground texture was just a solid block colour without shadows. anyone running on it stuck out like a sore thumb xD made for good huntin ;) except when the enemy team stack up with was relentless at one point :( JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!

did find I was trading with people more often though in inf fights :\ great one was I was on top the little building at D on paracel storm. heard a guy was downstairs so positioned myself on the stairs near the top...guy came running up, the moment i saw him walking up the steps I was shooting at the back of his head, followed him round the corner and continued to empty the clip as he ran up towards me....he survived with 6hp....WHAT THE ACTUAL **** ??!?!?!?
so i just installed china rising, which came out today for non premium members at 10am.

launched game to find that battlelog has suddenly gone down for maintence, cheers battlefeild :)
I saw in XFactors last vid, he's still claiming they are tweaking weapon balance via server side.

I know you know the Symthic guys, is that even possible or has he got a bad case of placebo going on? :)

Pretty much, some assignments too...

Something has definitely changed with the 30mm for me whether coding or weapon stats or whatever, before I was struggling to do much at all with it, post patch I'm killing 90% of the stuff I shoot at.
Do you have to pay for China Rising?

yes...unless you have premium of the pre-order edition. if you have el bogo standardo edition then you'll have to cough up some cash :p

can check in origin I believe (selecting bf4 and clicking the "i" for more info and see what it says about the DLC down the bottom) or on battlelog, should have a little green square with a white jet in it next to your profile name (like premium etc from bf3)
China Rising downloading now

two minds about this DLC which I got with the DLC edition.
am enjoying the game, what does China Rising bring to the table? Are the maps halfway good or is it a case of just to stick with vanilla maps?
The maps for conquest mode are pretty good if you like ground vehicles a LOT, and the dirt bikes are fun.

In TDM which I play a lot of the newer maps add some nice variety.

the weapons I can take or leave (there was some stuff going on with one of the unmanned drone weapons being super-OP, but they hotfixed it)
Just have a little question, the Forest site has both the standard and Limited Editions, with the Limited being cheaper for some odd reason. I've had a Google yet cannot find any information. What benefits do you get with the Limited Edition? Free China Rising DLC? Thanks all :)
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