Think the last time I killed Joe we remarked that the ACW-R was the best Carbine, not sure if the stats compute for that or not.
imho for me its ACE 52 for any normal carbine and ACW-R with a supressor if I want to go all sneaky sneaky!
Nexus regarding tips - copy that! AFFIRMATIVE. THANKS
I haven't actually used the ACWR much. According to symthic, it is pretty damn good! Main area where it is let down compared to the ace 21 is the recoil.
It is an awesome gun in bf 3, my main weapon for engi. and was the only weapon that I didn't use heavy barrel.
Will play with it tonight!
hey hey Nexus, I need da choppa stuff unlocked also well as the jets..**** knows how im going to do that lmao
Lol, all aboard the nexus helicopter!
I am utterly useless with jets, no matter what I watch, do etc. I still can't seem to get good with them
I found the best way to unlock stuff for the stealth jet was just to play air superiority, got all unlocks within a few rounds and somehow actually managed to come top