Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

That'll be the (minimum) 300ms delay where he doesn't even know the other guy has starting firing before him lol best game ever!!!

From a quick flick through frame by frame there is a full second delay between the first shot by the person whose perspective we see from in the video and any sign of response from the other player and another ~200ms after that before any muzzle flash indicating return fire. Any built in hard delay over 150ms is pure and simple bs and if dice has done that they seriously need to give up coding. If you use full on backwards reconciliation then upto ~150ms for full lag compensation is acceptable anything higher than that just does very bad things and when properly implemented means a fairly playable experience for anyone upto 225-250ms latency and if your pinging higher than that you can't really expect to have a great experience.
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Nexus we did ok in that Attack Chopper, think we got around 14 kills between us - now I've picked up on some tricks Tony just mentioned next time we'll be golden. That little bird pilot was next level tho, not surprising he is that rank, I barely had chance to call out where he was and we were down.

The tony-bot is coming along nicely, always on top on the leaderboards, might have to initiate some chat rage about him soom!

Yeah John_Hardcore is a complete tool, moans about us beasting him and then team switches to be on our side :eek: idiot.
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The tony-bot is coming along nicely, always on top on the leaderboards, might have to initiate some chat rage about him soom!

What alternate dimension do live in hehe. I'm rarely top of the board but some rounds do suprise me when I look at the end. That round in lockers was something else for me, I've never had one like that. Still didn't score more than nexus again though.
Just started playing BF4 and enjoying it. Pretty new to FPS's just dabbled a little in the past but mostly been an MMO player. Any tips for a noob? :) Getting slaughtered at the moment averaging around two deaths per kill.

Tried a few of the classes out and quite liking support so far but still lots to pick up!
Just started playing BF4 and enjoying it. Pretty new to FPS's just dabbled a little in the past but mostly been an MMO player. Any tips for a noob? :) Getting slaughtered at the moment averaging around two deaths per kill.

Tried a few of the classes out and quite liking support so far but still lots to pick up!

try going as medic, should have medic packs to heal yourself if you get hit.

also, spot the enemy as often as you can (default, press the Q key).

squad up with people that work to objectives , conquest its capturing flags etc, and squad up with squad leaders that give orders, if you dont have orders ask for them.

don't rush around, take things carefully and keep checking the little mini map for red dots indicating enemy close by.

when shooting remember to tap/burst fire, don't just hold the fire button down.

check out youtube for helpful guides on how to control recoil, help to be a better player, few obvious ones i can think of to look for are levelcap, xfactor, frankieonpc1080 (think thats it), russian badger, anders_zel, jack frags, matimio.

favourites can depend on your sense of humour etc so be warned :D
try going as medic, should have medic packs to heal yourself if you get hit.

also, spot the enemy as often as you can (default, press the Q key).

squad up with people that work to objectives , conquest its capturing flags etc, and squad up with squad leaders that give orders, if you dont have orders ask for them.

don't rush around, take things carefully and keep checking the little mini map for red dots indicating enemy close by.

when shooting remember to tap/burst fire, don't just hold the fire button down.

check out youtube for helpful guides on how to control recoil, help to be a better player, few obvious ones i can think of to look for are levelcap, xfactor, frankieonpc1080 (think thats it), russian badger, anders_zel, jack frags, matimio.

favourites can depend on your sense of humour etc so be warned :D

Cheers I'll bear that in mind. Certainly a few things I've been getting wrong! Are any game modes better for XP than others? Just been playing deathmatch so far whilst I got used to the controls etc.
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What is it about Obliteration that drives my so far up the wall? Is it the lack of teamwork? The inability of the rest of my team to understand even the most basic game types and how to win the game? I don't know what it is but I'm actively avoiding that game type because the past four games I've played of it we've lost 3-0.

When you get a team working together Obliteration is actually (surprisingly) one of my favourite and most fun game types, but if the team doesn't work together it's totally hateful. At least on Conquest you can usually accomplish something even when your team is rubbish/isn't working together.
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when shooting remember to tap/burst fire, don't just hold the fire button down.

And die over and over as the "netcode" is so bad that not enough of your carefully aimed (and on target) shots register to get the kill while the other player artlessly spraying and praying gets enough accidental hits on you to kill you.

You'll get far better results in this game with controlled long burst firing (adjusting aim down) :|
It's not just me then, I thought I was being rubbish getting my ass handed to me in every game! :(

I am looking forward to Second Assault, I love the Metro and Firestorm maps.
And die over and over as the "netcode" is so bad that not enough of your carefully aimed (and on target) shots register to get the kill while the other player artlessly spraying and praying gets enough accidental hits on you to kill you.

You'll get far better results in this game with controlled long burst firing (adjusting aim down) :|

Makes me feel a bit better! Enjoying it so far but I have low expectations being new to the genre. Ask me again in a month ;)
Bar the servers periodically dropping out, I'm loving this despite my aged rig (Q8300, 8GB DDR2,GTX 480) got most settings bar AA on medium/high and it rocks big time.

Hated BF3 despite buying my GTX480 specifically for it,found it to be a pretty let down tbh,BF4 is what IMO BF3 should have been from the start.
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