That'll be the (minimum) 300ms delay where he doesn't even know the other guy has starting firing before him lol best game ever!!!
The tony-bot is coming along nicely, always on top on the leaderboards, might have to initiate some chat rage about him soom!
This games been out 8 weeks and is still broken to the core. It's absolutely disgusting.
Just started playing BF4 and enjoying it. Pretty new to FPS's just dabbled a little in the past but mostly been an MMO player. Any tips for a noob? Getting slaughtered at the moment averaging around two deaths per kill.
Tried a few of the classes out and quite liking support so far but still lots to pick up!
try going as medic, should have medic packs to heal yourself if you get hit.
also, spot the enemy as often as you can (default, press the Q key).
squad up with people that work to objectives , conquest its capturing flags etc, and squad up with squad leaders that give orders, if you dont have orders ask for them.
don't rush around, take things carefully and keep checking the little mini map for red dots indicating enemy close by.
when shooting remember to tap/burst fire, don't just hold the fire button down.
check out youtube for helpful guides on how to control recoil, help to be a better player, few obvious ones i can think of to look for are levelcap, xfactor, frankieonpc1080 (think thats it), russian badger, anders_zel, jack frags, matimio.
favourites can depend on your sense of humour etc so be warned
What is it about Obliteration that drives my so far up the wall? Is it the lack of teamwork? The inability of the rest of my team to understand even the most basic game types and how to win the game? I don't know what it is but I'm actively avoiding that game type because the past four games I've played of it we've lost 3-0.
Check his tweet from a few days ago. Guys an idiot.
when shooting remember to tap/burst fire, don't just hold the fire button down.
And die over and over as the "netcode" is so bad that not enough of your carefully aimed (and on target) shots register to get the kill while the other player artlessly spraying and praying gets enough accidental hits on you to kill you.
You'll get far better results in this game with controlled long burst firing (adjusting aim down) :|
Game makes me so hard at times