No games from me tonight serious incident at work and just got home, not bad considering I finished at 4!
Was rather amusing earlier on silk road map, a friend joined me (planetserpo) and had a tank and jumped out to repair it and marty being the noob that he is p) stole it and then planetserpo typed in chat about him being a horrible person etc. or something along those lines
Don't think he'll be joining on me again since he left the server and removed me from his friend's list lol
Likewise! But when people camp the roof, it is a terrible map then imo
Just wish that artillery would be taken out though and wish that c and d weren't so close together.
Love the stopping power of the ace 52, might give the scar a go over the next few days as it has unbelievable stopping power
Indeed, it wasn't the same without you!
No idea what the SCAR's like as I still haven't bothered really playing Assault/Medic past getting the LA85 unlocked.
I tend to play Engineer or Support as they work well in pretty much all situations/maps.
With the carbines I was running the ACW-R, ACE 21 CQB and AK 5C with a suppressor fitted 90% of time so I'm guessing that makes the guns perform quite similar due to the reduced muzzle velocity. (not showing up on the mini map when shooting at someone can be really useful )
Utterly horrendous rounds with mark there, team just got destroyed
yeah, sorry about that seemed to be the kiss of death whenever i spawned on ya .
just wonder what players are thinking about when they just camp flags, knowing they need more but making no moves.
got totally wiped out by the little bird on dawnbreaker, got capped out in the first 5 minutes and was a quick painful end .
Well completed 5 parts of the campaign tonight Not bad actually.
I noticed someone from here playing on this server.
Is this how people are leveling up so quickly?! I'm surprised that EA don't prevent ranked servers from allowing it.
i think this would actually be quite a slow way to level, not sure if im right on that, but thats how it seems to me. Ive been told its just to unlock the heli and jet kits rather than ruining the teams chance of winning by taking a air vehicle in a ranked game and sucking.
Anyone else having problems joining games on win 8.1? I upgraded last night to stop the hitching in windows 7 and now I either can't join games or get kicked after 3 seconds. I've tried the EA punkbuster fix as well...
Never ever spawn on me again!!!!!!
Was our team even on flags, when I looked at map, they were just camping outside the burn area
I didn't even bother making an effort on dawnbreaker as I knew we would get raped badly. We must have been against a group of friends on ts, seemed much better organised than us, either that or our team were extremely bad.
This is a quick and painless way to unlock gadgets for kits and vehicles. It is a very quick way of doing it if you lob a boost on at the same time. Some people dont like it but who cares. Each to their own , some people think locker point farming shouldnt be allowed or knife/pistol servers etc etc I say play how you want you paid for the game go enjoy whatever it is you do with it.
Some guy posted on reddit, he gained 330000xp from one round by using a boost and double xp and sitting in a MAA!
Ranks and XP mean nothing in this game, in fact the stats are almost pointless so I have no problem with this.