Battlefield 6 - Thread

True but BF3/4 were still decent.

Though it was lacking some elements from BF2 3/4 did refine many elements, BF4 could look and sound incredible sometimes on max settings - very cinematic firefights at its best. Shame like 2 it was let down by some at times shoddy "netcode" though.
Battlefield games died after bf2 . They are just casual console shooters now

100% Also agree totally with HaloUK Bf1942 and BF2 were the best, and its not rose tinted glasses.

The franchise has turned into a money grab, cash cow! milk that teat for all its worth!
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hopefully these clown shoe idiots can get their act together...i doubt it but i still hold a bit of hope that we once again can have a decent battlefield.

It's not really all that hard.

Just give us a BF3 / BF4 with new pretty graphics and guns and maybe some decent destruction.

That's it and the community will be happy.
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It's not really all that hard.

Just give us a BF3 / BF4 with new pretty graphics and guns and maybe some decent destruction.

That's it and the community will be happy.
people always just say this but that aint going to happen. yes they were great games battlefield 4 especially was my fav battlefield and i lived on it.those people that made those great games have been and gone thats why the games have been terrible since.
100% Also agree totally with HaloUK Bf1942 and BF2 were the best, and its not rose tinted glasses.

The franchise has turned into a money grab, cash cow! milk that teat for all its worth!
I still play battlefield 2 for me it’s the pinnacle of the franchise and nothing comes remotely close to the fun I have had playing that game
BC2 was great, BF3 bigger and better
BF4 just... bigger and more of everything. More vehicles, more guns, bigger maps - more running around. I ended up playing it more that the previous ones, but definitely enjoyed less.

I think at this point I would be happy for a faithful remake of BC2 on updated engine. Lost faith they could do a good battlefield game.
Community moans they don't have a test environment and release unfinished games - Dev's announce they are bringing out test environment to ensure polished releases - community still continue to find any reason to moan.
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