Battlefield 6 - Thread

Hmm a lot of the sounds ripped from previous games its so obvious.

Why wouldn't they be if they're going back to what looks like bf3\4 time frame? Not much point in redoing gun or tank sounds if you already have them on file.

This is also pre-alpha so it's not as if things can't change in tbr sound department. I think it sounds fine in the videos.
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Oh man, I was hoping that crappy "Request Revive / Skip (die)" animation wouldn't be in the game, Its nothing more than a time wasting annoyance imo.

9/10 nobody revives you anyway, Just die and straight back into the action imo.
Did anyone here actually get access? There was a 2 hour play test the other day yet going by twitter it seems like nobody has heard back yet.
Apparently 1.3 million people signed up. I guess they will do a number of play tests over the next 12-18 months and different people will be invited. But it did say you have a higher chnace of an invite if you completed the survey attached to the registration
Apparently 1.3 million people signed up. I guess they will do a number of play tests over the next 12-18 months and different people will be invited. But it did say you have a higher chnace of an invite if you completed the survey attached to the registration

12-18 months? Didn't they announce it was to be released before April 2026?
Oh man, I was hoping that crappy "Request Revive / Skip (die)" animation wouldn't be in the game, Its nothing more than a time wasting annoyance imo.

9/10 nobody revives you anyway, Just die and straight back into the action imo.

You gotta play with me then! I live to revive, medic extraordinaire I am.
You gotta play with me then! I live to revive, medic extraordinaire I am.
I'm down to join a clan or something when the game is released, I think in general battlefield needs to reward players more when they revive,give ammo etc currently 9/10 people just don't bother as they aren't a team player,mostly come from cod.
Definitely looks more promising going back to BF3/4, will def be following along to see what they can do
Just noticed the dragging down players mechanic, remember this was meant to be featured in bf3 multi then it got silently dropped?
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All I want it no tacky operators and trendy skins. Felt like they have been chasing the twitch/influencer crowd for years now.

Ditch all that and go back to what made it stand apart from the others
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