Battlefield Veterans Program

18 Oct 2002
West Yorks
Who knows about the battlefield veterans program?

For those that don't you need to start here :

You can then start linking your old accounts to your EA Origin account. I have my battlefield persona, my Battlefield 2 Soldier Name, EA Classic Screen Name and my Xbox / PS3 all tied into it.

Because i've linked my accounts together, i have the option of a BF2 / BF2142 / BF1943 etc.. Dog tag in Battlefield 3 which is pretty cool. To show how totally old school i am, i've gone for a BF2 dog tag, much better than the Mass Effect 3 secondary one everybody seems to have at the moment :p
I've no idea how it manages to link your accounts up.

It managed to get my EA classic screen name, which had no email address or anything attached to it, it was just a text string that appeared to identify you. There was no stats tracking or anything in BF1942.

I remember linking my Battlefield 2 Account to an EA Downloader account to get Battlefield 2 veteran Status in BF2142. That EA Downloader account has theen been linked to my new Origin account so i know how its got those. And i manually added my xbox and ps3 tags.

But how it got my classic name i've no idea.
it never has and still wont let me link bf bf1942 and bf vietnam cdkeys..

technical error please try again later or something like that ....
it never has and still wont let me link bf bf1942 and bf vietnam cdkeys..

technical error please try again later or something like that ....

Contact EA Support

I had actually sold my copies of Battlefield 1942 / Battlefield 2 / Battlefield 2142 to mates and didn't have the keys to input.

But EA support managed to find my accounts and link them all together.
I had issues with this. EA live chat did mine, they even linked the games that I had with different email accounts:

Woah, apparently iv got 7 different names on this thing, just logged in using my origin account, only thought i had two, my new one for bf3 and my old one for bf2 lol, what does this mean, do i get anything special or extra?
I just logged onto EA live chat because my linkage via the veteran page for BF2 wasn't propagating through to battlelog. After a while the bloke asked me to check but still nothing. I just refreshed the page and not only did he add BF2 but 4 others I don't even own :D
Contact EA Support

I had actually sold my copies of Battlefield 1942 / Battlefield 2 / Battlefield 2142 to mates and didn't have the keys to input.

But EA support managed to find my accounts and link them all together.

1942 and vietnam didnt have any accounts just cdkeys.

accounts started with bf2 , i might give it a try later though specops doesnt show as beeing mine even though it should be part of the bf2 deluxe pack and the other bf2 games dont seem to be linking properly with my acount
Can Ea merge accounts properly?

All my Battlefield games are on an old account and email and the BF3 and a few different Ea games are on my new address. So all my veteren stuff is on my old email :(
Can Ea merge accounts properly?

All my Battlefield games are on an old account and email and the BF3 and a few different Ea games are on my new address. So all my veteren stuff is on my old email :(

speak to EA suppot

they managed to link all my accounts together.
God...EA is so freaking slow and clumsy :mad:.

Anyway, lets assume ive already made an origin account and assume that ive already activated a certain dlc on it, what do i do :p.

I also seem to have two separate master accounts on EA, but only one is using my previous games and its email is out of use, but i cant change it to the one i use now since...the other account is >_>.

Im in a pickle :p

(nvm contacting EA in some form.)
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Just ask EA support, I asked for bf2/2142/1942/1943 to be added and I got all but bad company 1 for some reason. Although I did play modern combat, just forgot about it :p
Cant find live chat anywhere looks like they have stopped the links working as well. Origin change name doesnt work at all. Picking even total random letters and numbers gives you This name is already in use.

No phone number to get to someone in uk. Why is EA support so damn crappy :(
I had issues with this. EA live chat did mine, they even linked the games that I had with different email accounts:



I actually tried to do this via the email support, and they outright told me that even though I had BF2, BF2142 they couldn't link them to my account as they were pre 2009. I told them that is completely ridiculous as they are still selling the games. I will now go back to them and say that it is happenign already. Thanks guys.

Also.. I can't actually link my BF2 and BF2142 into the veterans program, they simply don't appear on the list.. only "Battlefield" appears.
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