BBC 1 Film 2010 with Claudia Winkleman

24 Dec 2005
The new format makes me wanna scream. She is so incredibly annoying and the way she reviews films is just awful.

The young KID doing his top 5 is just annoying

The LIVE format and people emailing in is just pointless.

It really is an awful show and I just want it to end.
How to destroy a very good program. You do wonder what favours were offered to get her to host the program. It’s a pity they couldn’t get Mark Kermode.
I quite like the new format, as much as i liked the old format a bit of change is nice.

Guess im in the minority though.
Mark Kermode is the biggest ****** (thrower) I've ever heard on the radio/TV.

I don't watch Film 2010 but I'd rather not watch it with Winkleman presenting than not watch it with Kermode presenting. :p
How to destroy a very good program. You do wonder what favours were offered to get her to host the program. It’s a pity they couldn’t get Mark Kermode.


His radio show is rather good so just turn that in to a television format and sorted.
They have totally destroyed this program. The first episode (especially the interview with Keira knightley and her drunk mates) was quite possibly some of the poorest programming seen on the BBC this this year. I watched another episode just to give them one more chance but nope, it still sucked.

Shame, Ive watched this since I was a kid with Bazza. And now they have runined it :(
Ah, the new Film 2010. I was going to start a thread on this a couple of weeks ago after enduring Winkleman explaining some parlour game she and her family used to play whilst 'reviewing' RED, but I soon lost the will to live.

I have no idea what the point of the new format is. It's like they've seen the success of Kermode and Mayo on 5live and thought they could replicate it on screen, yet with a film reviewer with absolutely no personality or opinion and a co-host with absolutely zero intelligence.

If the BBC wanted Film 2010 to die, why not just axe it and save us the misery of Claudia 'Simpering Idiot' Winkleman? Or are they hoping to end her career while they're at it?

Here's hoping, eh?
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