Ah-ha, this is interesting. Can you elaborate on how that can be done exactly. The genetic mutation that distinctively differentiate black people to others are very subtle and finite. How does an engineered virus can target this so called “group of people” without collateral damages? Do you have a specific mutation in mind and what effects of that mutation in physical manifestation could be used to be targeted?See now this is racism, African people kicked out of houses, banned from shops/hospitals etc
We don't see this in the UK, infact we have a lot of people from diverse backgrounds working in our healthcare system, so banning them wouldn't be possible.
But on an alternative point yes its possible that if someone were to manufacture a virus/threat they could tweak it to impact certain groups more than others.
I am pretty sure the Nazis spent the entire length of WWII try to find and use these mutations as they are well aware of genetics and its role.
bare in mind even with the ACTN3 gene you referenced in the Guardian article, it affects a small population of blacks world wide. That won’t be sufficient to say become a targeted marker for a “race” wide engineered virus. It is probably by chance a portion of the population of certain race will be more severely affected than others by certain viruses.
didn’t US for a few decades peddled the notion that blacks were genetically wired to be more stupid than white in the early half of this century? That would definitely be useful attribute to maybe come up with a global ruse to lure all the blacks to some kind of jeopardy and end it once for all?
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