BBC Gameshow - The Traitors

I watched half, maybe less, of an episode. It just seems like it's a game of guessing etc. What's the draw? Do I need to watch it from the beginning
Yes, won’t make a lot of sense if you don’t watch it from the start
I really hope Linda isn’t banished, she’s really making the show for me and is a good foil to Minah, who has been excellent so far too.

Glad that Tyler and that blonde girl has gone, she was incredibly annoying, so much so that I can’t remember her name! And they really screwed themselves over getting rid of Dan. Though I guess that was of his own making…!

Temped to watch the other series as, despite finding a lot of the people annoying, I am finding it good entertainment. Though, perhaps it’s because I’m late to the party and the novelty would have worn off watching beyond this series.
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These people are irritating. Why the hell don't they know the difference between a 'click' and a 'clique'?
Yeah I must admit, from what I saw they were a bunch of annoying folks, it's basically an annoying version of "hu din it" and lots of accusations and over the top anxiety... But I may watch it from the start to see what it's like with a different lense
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Leicester Square. Brilliant.

Only started this for the first time last week and we got a bit hooked, so went back and binged the first season.

As much as I thought Will was a right snake, he played a traitor really well. I think it really takes a character to build such close bonds with people all whilst lying behind their backs and manipulating them into always believing you. You could definitely tell a huge weight was lifted off his shoulders when they caught him out.
Ding, Dong, Linda's gone.

I wondered what they would do if they were down to one traitor and the person says no....they make it so you don't have much of a choice at all.

Become traitor OR murdered.
Ding, Dong, Linda's gone.

I wondered what they would do if they were down to one traitor and the person says no....they make it so you don't have much of a choice at all.

Become traitor OR murdered.

A shame she’s gone, she had a good dynamic with Minah. Pleased it was Fozia rather than Leon too!

I don’t think Minah’s made a good decision choosing Charlotte either. I would have gone for Frankie myself :)
Very late to the party on Traitors

Crammed the first two series in before Xmas and loved them and hooked so.far on S3

Brilliant TV
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