But we could until a vaccine was available, or NHS supplies were replenishedWe couldn't all stay indoors forever
But we could until a vaccine was available, or NHS supplies were replenishedWe couldn't all stay indoors forever
No one handled COVID any better. We couldn't all stay indoors forever and it was going to eventually spread everywhere.
A lot of nations (including EU ones) hid the true number of deaths which made the UK look worse at the time.
But we could until a vaccine was available, or NHS supplies were replenished
Eh? I'd argue a lot of nations handled COVID a lot better. How many members of the government of other countries were found to be partying whilst locking others up in their homes? Or handed money to their mates for duff PPE?No one handled COVID any better. We couldn't all stay indoors forever and it was going to eventually spread everywhere.
A lot of nations (including EU ones) hid the true number of deaths which made the UK look worse at the time.
On point one - as well as he possibly could bearing in mind he didn't really do it himself and passed it off to Lord Frost to actually get it over the line. EDIT: and the whole process was hampered by 1) Terry May's tenure and her letting Brussels set out the agenda for the process 2) The ERG sticking their oar in.
The nations with low populations handled it better, because there is a lot less risk of catching it anyway. But the EU isn't the best example for this crisis, they handled it far worse and spent months arguing over vaccines.
Yes. You said the word foreverWe did stay in lockdown until there was a vaccine.
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