BBC say the N word

Really shocking by the BBC, I can't believe they expected to get way with using it in the context of factual reporting. I'm going back to my Eminem album.
I don't necessarily disagree with the context of the use here. On the face of it, it seems to me to be the right thing to do.

But that doesn't mean is should have been said in the first place.

Oh agreed. Using it in the first place was part of a vile racist attack.
I agree with you on the majority of that. However, in this case we are or were the aggressors; we took that word and others and used it in many ways as a justification for mistreating people. Apartheid in both American and South Africa was only stopped in living memory. We can't continue to use a term that enabled that, whether the party affected continues to or not.

'We', not me personally, or you or your father or infact anyone still alive were the aggressors. To label 'we' as in everyone not black is unfair and infact grossly negligent of the truth.

It's a preposterous and racist assumption.

What happened 100 or 200 or 500 years ago has nothing to do with me personally in the same way you cant try a murderers grandson for murder.
Someone tell me, what % of English people do you believe held slaves?

The top 5% wealthiest?

Are we now tarring the other 95% of all white people because of this? It's insane.

More poor white people were subjugated/slaves to the rich via economic slavery in Victorian times.
I hope none of these complainers ever play Gta5 or watch Django unchanged their heads would explode.

I can't even think of them watching South Park.

The fact people are kicking off over the reporting of the truth, which was at the request of the people involved, just shows the issues right now. We can't re-write events that have happened, but apparently these people want to over-ride the choices of other people, who were the victims in this case, in their quest to gain... PC superiority? Wokeness? I don't know... This isn't even something I see or hear about at Uni right now, other than their set policies that are laid out, giving zero-tolerance to such an issue.

More poor white people were subjugated/slaves to the rich via economic slavery in Victorian times.

Probably would be safe to argue that a number of people aren't too removed from that today. Trapped in low-income jobs, whilst having to work damn hard for someone else to reap the benefit. I know of one friend who spent time in london, who could literally find himself with £20 leftover at the end of the week.
First time I heard of a dog being called that, I was expecting something more reasonable like Blacky but even that could be non PC in this age

Well I wouldn’t expect it to happen these days but the Dam Busters raid took place in 1943, political correctness in relation to race wasn’t really a big issue back then.
Someone tell me, what % of English people do you believe held slaves?

The top 5% wealthiest?

Are we now tarring the other 95% of all white people because of this? It's insane.

More poor white people were subjugated/slaves to the rich via economic slavery in Victorian times.

No one in the UK held slaves, as soon as a slave entered the UK they were free because slaves weren't recognised under UK law. British owned companies obviously took part in the Atlantic slave trade, buying slaves from Africa and selling them in other parts of the world. Britain was obviously complicit in the slave industry, but so were the Africans we bought them off. Britain however unlike other countries actively chose to end slavery, we used the Royal Navy to enforce that ban on other countries, we paid off slave owners in order to free slaves. It's important to remember slavery as a concept has been around for thousands of years, Europeans were captured as slaves and taken to Africa for example, it wasn't invented or popularised by white people, we basically made an industry out of it before realising how morally reprehensible it was and shutting the whole thing down. Mean while slavery actually still exists in parts of Africa, not by a technical definition but very real slavery.
Funny how someone as clean as Jackie Chan was able to say "what is up my ******" back in 1998's Rush Hour. I don't remember it being a big deal back then. I broadly agree that we cannot have a situation whereby some groups can say certain words but others cannot. That's the root of the problem as I see it. Either it's acceptable or it's not.
A couple of G's, an R and an E, an I and an N. Just 6 little letters, all jumbled together have caused damage that we may never mend. And it's important that we all respect, that if these people should happen to choose, to reclaim the word as their own, it doesn't mean the rest of you have a right to its use.

Only a ginger, can call another ginger "ginger".
The wife and I have been re-watching South Park from the beginning recently... In one of the very first seasons (so now 20+ years old) there is an episode about the school nurse who has a medical condition; a dead conjoined twin fetus hanging off the side of her face...

Some of the kids are grossed out by it and then a bunch of the easily offended parents of South Park take it upon themselves to go massively overboard trying to help the nurse not to feel outcast; they have a big awareness campaign, showering her with support, culminating in a massive special named day for the disease and a pride-like parade (of which she is the only participant). Eventually she berates them all for giving her so much attention; she didn't want any of it and just wanted to be treated normally, rather than have her differences highlighted and focused on so much

Truly ahead of its time
A couple of G's, an R and an E, an I and an N. Just 6 little letters, all jumbled together have caused damage that we may never mend. And it's important that we all respect, that if these people should happen to choose, to reclaim the word as their own, it doesn't mean the rest of you have a right to its use.

Only a ginger, can call another ginger "ginger".

I had to LoL.

As someone who is ginger and always has the wee wee taken out of them even by the PC brigade friends I know including my GF who is so PC I think she came up with the idea...the hypocrisy of it all, as long as it's not the latest woke offended trend it's fine.

I'm going to start a ginger lives matter movement.
Stop selling gingerbread men for starters,infact why gingerbread men,where are the gingertransgenderbiscuits!?
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