You hit the nail on the head. It's all about the money and I am amazed that some sky customers are still receiving the F1 Channel via the HD Pack deal (well done and fair play to you) I think the F1 coverage will be spread over the sky sports platform and the F1 channel will become a darts channel for darts and a golf channel for the major golf tournaments.The point is that it feels like they're winding down the channel ready to bin it now they have sole rights to show F1. There's quite a lot of people who watch Sky F1 on the legacy HD pack who would lose it should that happen as you're talking an extra £30 a month for Sky Sports.
I suspect if that happens the numbers watching will dwindle even more. Still, they only care about subscriber numbers rather than viewing figures as you say.
So the conclusion here is that F1 in the UK will die because its moving to pay TV (Sky)?
I feel a lot of people who watch f1 only watch f1 and no other sports and thus can't stomach the sky price JUST for f1. This compounded with f1 being predictable (in terms of who wins the WCC and WDC
If they offered Sky Sports F1 as a stand alone deal available on Now TV for a reasonable price I would sign up right away.
Why would they move it to a premium channel, rather than just rebranding SSF1 into Sky Sports 6?
The F1 channel is now only available with taking the Sports Pack, but they haven't taken it away from us who have it with the HD pack.
Do Sky have a history of moving programming away from cheaper channels onto premium ones that require a further subscription? They move channels about, but I can't remember them regularly moving programming between channels.
Oh and the F1 channel already is the Darts channel. It was rebranded Sky Sports Darts over the winter when they showed the championships.
Mark, surely you're not saying it's a cartel?
I really hope that motor sports doesn't suffer the same consequences as football in relation to it being spread over various networks resulting in more money. I fear it's already happening. If you want all live F1 quals & races - a Sky Sub is required. If you want NASCAR - a Setanta Sports sub is required. If you want live coverage of MotoGP, Indy Cars, V8 Super Cars, WRC and both Renault 2.0 & 3.5 championships - a BT Sports sub is required. This is only some of the motor sports, but you get my drift. Like a mate said to me not too long ago about football, he said "about 15 years ago it cost something £10 quid a month to watch all your football, now it's about four times that" I think motor sport is heading the same way.
If Sky took on a load more motorsports it would make taking a Sports subscription a lot more palatable.
Feels like BT holds most of it these days.
Yet Football on Sky Sports is one of the most watched sports in the world.
The Premiership has NEVER been on free to air TV, yet is the most watched National League on the planet.
Hoping that motorsports doesn't go the way of Football is an odd stance to take, given that precisely 'going that way' is whats made football the massive TV success it it.
Personally I'd quite like the free to air channels making half arsed shows to go and the sports instead move to somewhere like Sky or BT Sport, where they can be well funded and done properly. The Motors TV coverage of most of what they show is just awful, and in rubbish quality. If Sky took on a load more motorsports it would make taking a Sports subscription a lot more palatable.
But realistically nobody is subscribing to Sky Sports just for F1. That would be stupid. So the '£50 a month for 2 races' statement is a bit misleading.