Be* - Yay or Nay?

We get 6.5Mbps atm. Does that mean we will get close to the 24Mbps Be offer? Or is it impossible to tell. Be uses ADSL2+ yes?

Yep ADSL2+ you should see 20+ with being that close to the exchange, you can use an excellent piece of software called DMT tool which can tweak the line to get even more speed, you will be shocked at the difference from 6.5Mbps :D

Of course like you say its impossible to tell but being 500 meters to the exchange does favour you getting very good speeds :)
Lovely. I will check out DMT Tool then. :)

I went on another forum and mentioned I was 543 metres from my exchange and got burned for it. Got told that the actual line would go round and round. Yeah yeah. :D

Think he was miffed at not being that close to his exchange. :p
If you're that close to the exchange, you should be getting more than 6.5Mbps - what's your attenuation, SNR margin etc. like?
Er not quite sure. Not at home.

Going to ask brother if he can check for me. :)

Edit: Just got him on MSN and the stats are:

Downstream connection speed: 7616 Kbps
Upstream connection speed: 448 Kbps
Downstream line attentuation: 15 dB
Upstream line attenuation: 9 dB
Downstream noise margin: 15.5 dB
Upstream noise margin: 23 dB

Any help tolien?
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You should be able to get full rate with that, but you're nearer 1km of copper from the exchange.
The estimator (in the sticky) reckons you'd get 20Mbps (so ~18-19Mbps of useful throughput).
Recieved the Be Box today. Not going to use it as my current router / modem is good enough.

There was a covering letter with the Be Box too. States installation date as 15th May (Tomorrow). Would that be the date when the line is active?
Im getting about 16M according to the bebox (doenst feel like it though) on my recent install - the wireless is really dreadful though, but I swear by Powerline anyway so it isnt too bad
Well, my Be service started today. Got in from work to fine Pipex not working.

Had to plug in the Be Box to get onto the net. Now it was a simple plug and play off you go thing.

Just to work out how to configure my Netgear router / modem to connect to Be...
i'm still not connected to Be yet , been waiting 2 months , they keep faffing about at my exchange and moving the date forward by a month :/ so whenever my exchange is sorted then im moving!! getting tired of ukfsn
I went to Be* about a month ago, and it's the best thing I could have done. No throttling, no connection problems, I'm getting 8-9Mbps instead of 5, and loving every minute of it. The fact that I get full speed in the evenings is the clincher - I don't know any other ISP that does that.
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