Beating jeans - Centurion's log

Impossible to say without more info, you've basically said "hip ouchie" :p


I'm not sure how else to describe it. When I was squatting 30 last week, I'm sure I felt something either pop or pull. Now even when I squat without weights I can feel it. I really want to squat tomorrow :(

I'll see how it goes.
Just had another confusing and frustrating workout. Over the last few days, I've been doing some hip opener exercises from mobilitywod, yet when I tried to squad, the pain was worse than before and I couldn't do it.

0kg x 10
20kg x 2

Bench Press
20kg x 10
25 kg x 10
30kg x 5 x 5

I was really struggling on the last rep of each set of benches, and needed my spot to help me :o

20kg x 10
30kg x 10
40kg x 5
45kg x 5
50kg x 5
55kg x 5
60kg x 5
65kg x 5
70kg x 5

Really pleased with the deadlift, only my final set was underhand-overhand. One question though: I feel a bit of soreness in the lower back from deadlifts. Other than that and general fatigue, I don't feel ache/pain in any particular area. Is this normal?

Also, I've been benching for months and deadlifting for 2 weeks. How is it possible that I can deadlift 70kg, yet my bench has actually been going down and plateaued, and I injured myself squatting 30kg? :p :mad:

Deadlift is coming along, but if things generally continue the way they are then I'm not going to be gaining any mass anytime soon.
Physio appointment in 3 days :D

Had a workout again today. I tried squatting 20kg but after a couple of reps felt a little discomfort in my hips again so I stopped immediately. I swear I must be plateauing on the bench :p

20kg x 10
35kg x 4
35kg x 3
32.5kg x 4
32.5 kg x 3

Why is my bench lacking so much?! It's up a bit from last time, but I was able to do 35 before christmas too...

20kg x 5
30kg x 5
40kg x 5
50kg x 5
At this point I felt like a big man so I skipped 60kg, and went straight to 70kg
70kg x 5
75kg x 5 PB!
80kg x 5 PB!
85kg x 3 [WTF?!
90kg x 2 [SWOLE!]

I'm really happy but also a bit concerned that I can deadlift 90kg, but struggling to bench 35kg and injured myself squatting 30kg, lol. Maybe my technique is a bit wrong, I'll record myself next time and post a vid to make sure. Or maybe deadlifting is easier for me as I'm only 5'5?
So... Where has that dead lift been hiding, then? ;)

You're struggling with your squats because your technique is probably pants, your hips are tight and your core is not as hard as it should be. :)

Bench? Probably some of the same.

I suspect if you had somebody point you in the right direction with your technique, your lifts would progress nicely.

On that note, looking at your workouts... You have a complete absence of core work in there. Do lots. Planks, side planks, rollouts, elbow touches, etc.

At least one core exercise every day!
On that note, looking at your workouts... You have a complete absence of core work in there. Do lots. Planks, side planks, rollouts, elbow touches, etc.

At least one core exercise every day!

Thanks, I'll post vids of my form to see if it's okay.

Reason for no abwork was because I was following the Starting Strength program.
I appreciate your reference to 'abwork' may have been general, but core work is a lot of things that are not abs, like your upper/lower torso/back, glutes and hip flexors.

Do them and prosper! :)
Why has my bench plateaued at 32.5kg? My chest doesn't even hurt at all when I do them, it's just I get to the 4th rep and for some reason I can't do anymore.

Also I'm pretty sure there's something a little wrong with my deadlift technique so I'll get a video up to show you guys.
Tried squatting again today. It didn't go well.

20kg x 3 FUUUUU Hip Flexor

The best exercise ever... and I can't do it :(
Time to purchase a foam roller I think.

Overhead Press
20kg x 5 x 3

Bench press
20kg x 10
25kg x 10 x 2
25kg x 8

I've decided to lower the weight with the bench press and up the volume in order to beat this annoying plateau.

Barbell rows

20kg x 10 x 3

Not a bad workout. I'm just getting really frustrated about my squats :(

Also lol at the weight I'm lifting :o
BW squats will atleast show something.

When you say 20kg also, is that just the bar or are you doing 10kg each side? As I would say get a video of just the bar, but if it's causing you issues then maybe not just yet :p
Can we see bodyweight squats? Sounds like something is FUBAR.

BW squats will atleast show something.

When you say 20kg also, is that just the bar or are you doing 10kg each side? As I would say get a video of just the bar, but if it's causing you issues then maybe not just yet :p

When I say 20kg, it's just the bar :p

I've made a thread in SA with videos of my lifts.

Here's my squat:

My hip flexor injury is on my left side. One thing I've noticed is that every time I start the descent, the inner part of my left foot lifts up from the ground slightly and wants to rotate outwards to 10 o'clock. Is this indicative of poor hip mobility? The only way to fix this is for me to adopt a very wide stance and start with my toes pointing quite far out.
So I haven't updated this log in a while. Had a decent session today.

40kg 3x5

Bench Press
27.5kg 3x5

40kg 1x5

Still can't get my head around how to deadlift, in fact it was rack pulls today.
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