been disabled gets u locked with cannibals

So this kid has a lot of issues, parents are a joke, he's got into a lot of trouble, nobody can control him, been assessed by countless professionals, and he ends up there.

And I'm supposed to be angry at this? No.
That is the part many will not realise, he may have ASD but he is also likely a risk to others as he will not self regulate his behaviour. Such people are beyond help and need to be held in secure units.
I still cant get over the stupidity of the title of this stupid thread.

what part is stupid?? the guy has no convictions and it got you to click it and there are apparently cannibals in the space he shares, also he wouldnt be locked up if he wasnt mentally disabled :p
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Being a danger to yourself and others gets you held in a secure hospital. If he's in Broadmoor, that's a huge facility dealing with all sorts of people and their problems.
Don’t read the Daily Mail. They are trash.
Not sure what you mean. This quality piece of journalism is brought to you by 'femail' tag - I think that's a play on the words female and mail. It's news about woman. I'm just catching up on all the femail news now. If I had to guess this was a new entry after they stopped doing page 3. Females are important too don't forget that guys - they have their own tag now and everything.

Not sure what you mean. This quality piece of journalism is brought to you by 'femail' tag - I think that's a play on the words female and mail. It's news about woman. I'm just catching up on all the femail news now. If I had to guess this was a new entry after they stopped doing page 3. Females are important too don't forget that guys - they have their own tag now and everything.

AFAIK The Daily Mail never did page 3 and the Femail section has been around forever.
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