Been Thinking

yeah i know the problem. i can't see anything black at night.

wish there was some way to make things visable when it was dark...
go buy a loaf, the car is black, at night, how can you see it? also i need sum bred send it me

honestly child

you dont be honest when registering on OcUK and tell us you're 15

and then expect us to believe you, when you start peddling crap that you've got a mercedes outside.

For gods sake man, its going to be at least another 18 months before you can drive, just quit while your ahead. OcUK have a long history of finding out liars and making them look very very silly. Just ask Stig
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Please, stop thinking. It's doing you no good.

And this Merc... I want to see.
It's not one of those toy ones is it?

Thinking about it... bet your merc looks like this...

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No pics as of yet so im calling shinanagins! And stop reading Max Powah!!

Although at this point i really must apologise for my work place as we sell a lot of stuff to people like red wolf who want to "mod" there crappy cars, alough we do sell some really nice parts to decent folk.
Is this the kid who's mum bought him a focus, with ghastly wolfrace alloys, paid for his insurance and lessons and tax?

If so.
Go get a job before you start modding your car you little sponging so and so.
Seriously man, your parents are being extremely generous, i'd feel a guilty letting my parents do that, but yet you want more? Jesus, you need to learn about reality.

If you really must spend more of mummy and daddys money, get some decent alloys and leave the car as it is. Your insurance premium is going to be hefty anyway, not that you care.
I thought this thread had died! Oh how wrong was I!!??

Thanks for the laugh fellas! :D

This place never fails to amuse me hehehe :) .
About my Focus, to get some 'taste' back into it, heres my plans

-Vinyl Wrap in Black
-Full RS Body kit
-RS Exasust
-RS Brakes or better
-Maybe some nicer wheels(took your advice, and garage said they stick out WAY too far, and studs are too short, even a mondeo stud too short)

-MAYBe a personall plate when i get the car with my gaming tag 1337-rised

R34 P3R

what you think?
I think it would be easier to get an RS Focus, or even one of those ones with a V5 engine (STI? STD?)
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