Beers of the World 5 - Round O

8 Nov 2013
In the pub
Hi everyone,

Rules: Beers of the World - Mk 5 *** RULES AND SIGNUP HERE ***

O – Orange - Ingredient or name must contain Orange


*Weringo 102
*Charlie Bravo 96
*Repta 94
Ahleckz 91
*Executive Beef 88
*Touch 87
*Bickaxe 84
*Martynt74 81
Mike the Native 81
Sonea Fifer 80
Russinating 76
Lysander 49
*Feek 18

*Jester played



I was not sure on this theme as I had no idea how many beers contained Orange. Seems quite a few.
@Russinating gets the bonus this week for his entry, nobody even came close.
I had played my jester on this one, more on that below.

Next round: P - Porter - Simply enter a Porter (14th August)

Bonus Points - 1pt for Lowest Untappd Score (NA beers will not count)
Helter Skelter - Siren

This was a limited release as part of their Fairground series (3 in total) which I picked up at the end of last year.
Waltzer (BA Coffee) & Haunted House (Coconut & Chocolate) are the others so will be partaking of those in the coming weeks.

There was no chance I was getting a bonus for monthly check ins on this one buts what happens when you enter beers so far in advance.

I'll be drinking it tonight and it scores really well on Untappd so looking forward to it.

Update: Its really boozy and strong. Exactly what I would expect from a BA Stout. Hints of orange on the end. Very nice indeed.

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I’m amazed you have the willpower to not have drank that for such a long time!

Will post a pic of mine later. It was weird. As an orange sour it kind of had the taste/smell of orange juice that has gone off which was off putting.

Not sure I’d go with it again.
I’m amazed you have the willpower to not have drank that for such a long time!

Its been in the beer fridge all that time with the others but I keep going to the pub instead of drinking what I have.
There are a number of Imperial stouts out there for that reason. I struggle with them in the summer as they are heavy hitters.

Admittedly I’m still getting my sense of taste and smell back after a bout of Covid, but I struggled to pick up any orange in this whatsoever. So much so I had to double check the label in case I’d misread it.

Tried to find a nice chocolate orange Porter or something for this round but they must be a more wintery beer.
Mine was a very sessionable beer, though didn't get much orange from it. Will post a picture later.

I have been waiting for a lowest rating bonus point! Going to have fun finding the worst porter possible this week!

This had orange on the label, I just cut it off in the photo....... honest. :p

Rather juicy and fruity as the label suggests I liked it, kind of like Tiny Rebel's clwb tropicana but just not as good.
I was drunk when I drank mine so can't really remember what it tasted like :D!

I was planning to play my Jester this week and enter Blue Moon but the shop I went to didn't have any in!
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