Beers of the World - Mk 5 *** RULES AND SIGNUP HERE ***

@Bickaxe How do we stand with Y for date - Is just a date on the bottle enough or must the name specifically refer to a date?

The main image (the front) must contain a year (full year). This can be part of the name (Kronenborg 1664 springs to mind) or feature somewhere on the front.

I consider the front to be the main beer name and image. For a can where it wraps around, it would be what you can fit into a standard photo without using a delay or any other settings. Had to be close enough for me to read abs you can only use 1 can/bottle.

I'm going to be pretty harsh on this one as well so if anyone tries bending the rules or being clever, it'll be 0 pts.
I consider the front to be the main beer name and image
Rightyho, so if, for example the beer is called


And on the label, clearly visible it says "Brewery established in 1924", that wouldn't count because it's not part of the beer name.

Am I reading that right?
No, it would count as its on the main label.
If that info was on the back label or opposite side of the can, then it would not count.

I've seen a few beers where they put the 'established in 19xx' as part of the main image so I know this round is not impossible.
Well, it turns out the users of Untappd know a thing or two about beer - who would have guessed?!

Drinking my 4.3/5 rated beer now and it's easily the best one I've had this whole competition. Looking forward to seeing what everyone else has entered and will see if I can track some of them down to try for myself.
Yeah, I did notice there was a lot of more niche type beers in the top rated. Lots of fruit-flavour sours which I didn't think I'd like that much so I managed to find myself an IPA :D
Yeah. I kind of wish I’d gone lower with something I actually liked!

On the plus side. When I mentioned the beer with a year they steered me towards a £14 barrel aged stout at 17%. Luckily I found one which suits me more!
Is it going to be an easy guess? Is it a blue bottle?
Oh, am I going to get bonus points if you guess as well? Seeing as you retrospectively applied points when due, I was hoping that would continue. ;)

No, X is not a blue bottle although one of my remaining entries is a blue bottle.

X is the only one where I've actually had to buy something specifically - All the rest of my entries have been drinks I already had.
V was much harder than I thought! Only had a couple of options, and one of them was a gamble. I thought there’d be loads more boat beers!
In the past 4 months I've seen loads, I guess that's a benefit of living by docks and breweries.
My entry was from the beginning though and wasn't very good being an IPA.
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