Benq FP241W (Now available from OcUK!!!!!)

Seems like Dell are using Benq to assemble their Monitors. Designs of the two Monitors are different, Benq has BFI, HDMI etc. Dells based on Samsung Panel whereas the Benq seems to be based on AU Panel.

Good find, Im glad Dells fixed issues with the 2407 with A03. Would be nice someone did a side by side review of the two Monitors.
blake said:
Couple of Chinese reviews of the Benq FP241W, can't wait to recieve mine in october now. As from these reviews it seems the Benq is the best 24" on the market. :D


Thanks for the link. Google translation of the link seems to do a much better job of translating:

720p Pic:

As you can see its been scaled-up.

1080i Pic:

Looks about right.

1080p Pic:

Its letterbox - black bands are larger than I would have expected but this is prob due to ratio of the original source.

Scaling seems to be behaving like a commercial HD-TV. Reviewer commented that "6ms is not enough for some action scenes" I’d say this would be a limitation of all Monitors in this price bracket. You’d have to spend 3 grand plus on the top of the range Sony to get high performance 1080p.

Colour in still pics looks very impressive. Defiantly prefer Black Model not too keen on the Silver.
jimmy_blanc said:
shown against the FP231W shown at CeBIT the FP241WZ there was a significant difference.

Against the FP241W during the UK press conference it was still noticeable, mainly on fast moving panning.

it has three settings for the timing of the black frame. Personally the middle setting was ideal for me, but this technology is just that, personal.

It also has an off setting. Important as you won't want it on during PC use.

if I was making the choice then I would go for the standard version, but that's only as I rarely use my PC for movies.

Thanks for this information Jimmy helps a lot in choosing.
Siskods9 said:
Will there even be a "Z" version anymore???

I could find no mention of it on the Benq website...
Jimmy from Benq stated in this thread(few pages back) that it will be coming out a month after the standard model.
igors said:
For strictly PC usage, HDMI is not beneficial at all, as DVI is good enough. I seriously doubt that you will see the "proper" 1080p content any time soon and I have a really hard time to believe that you will see many ps3/xbox 360 games that actually *render* in 1080p.
Comment from Lair developer:
First of all, we are not only rendering some part of Lair in 1080p. The whole game is in 1080p native, from front-end to all in-game bits.

We absolutely love 1080p because of the detail that you can see. When we went up from 720 to 1080 I was blown away how much more of the artwork was visible. We started out being true 720p proponents, but since switching over to true 1080p via HDMI a few months ago I can't go back.
Also, internal PC Bluray and HD-DVD Drives will become affordable within a year. So I would say anyone whos in looking to buy a new 24" Disp should be seriously considering having 1080p capability.
ubern00b said:
Output from a PC is a non-issue as it will be 100% as intended, Its output from other peripherals that is in question.

Yup you are right just come from Pub not thinking straight!
igors said:
OK OK ... I did say "not many" titles, if you remember :p

Actually there are going to be lots of 1080p Games link:

Sony's Phil Harrison has confirmed six 1080p games for the PlayStation 3. At the Tokyo Game Show, Harrison announced that the following titles will run at 1080p:

* Lair
* Mobile Suit Gundam
* Virtua Tennis 3
* Gran Turismo HD
* Ridge Racer 7
* NBA '07
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