BenQ XL2420T Now available

2 weeks sooner? Before Christmas? If people are that desperate to get hold of a product that they know little about they won't need to be told to do so on the forums. And keep your US English to yourself if you're going to get petty with other forum members about language.

Very True ! on both counts PCM2 ;)
is this why oc have stopped selling the asus 23" monitor?
I was looking at ordering one today, might hold off a while to see if this will be worth the extra cash. Looks like it might have some good features like the Black eQualizer
What are the major differences between this 20T and the 10T ?

Is it just the 3D side?

yes and the 20T is compatable with the new Nvidia 3D Vision 2 Glasses which is an update of the original ones plus other things that someone more Techno will tell you soon ;)
Very interested in this as well. Fancy a 120Hz for fps. Currently using a benq fp241w 24" lcd, great monitor but it's getting on a bit now.
After looking at 27" monitors I've decided to go with this BenQ. 120hz gaming is a massive plus.

Not been able to source one in Spain as yet.

But normally I buy from the UK as prices are better.
Well I asked in the Customer service part and they said they should have them in soon for Pre-Order, but dont have a release date as of yet.
I think your looking at paying £299.99 to £320 if you buy from ocuk from past experience with the Benq XL2410T prices.
I think your looking at paying £299.99 to £320 if you buy from ocuk from past experience with the Benq XL2410T prices.
I have seen the XL2420T for £267.00 including postage so if you pay £270.00 its a good deal anything over that is getting time to search around ;)
Most likey only the T version as same places have had it listed as preolder only for the last week but not seen any with the TX which i guess will come later. Or maybe im just totally wrong :)

Im quite intrested in how well that Black eQualizer works. They say it makes blacks look brighter without making everythink else look to bright and over exposed. Somethink i wish i had on my asus. But id only be intrested in the monitor later on if there was a 27 version and if it got decent reviews
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