BenQ XL2420T Now available

Yeah I'm a fan of that as well. What I'm not a fan of is the stand and the strange controller thing it comes with. So far from what I can see from a 720p camera, the picture looks decent for a TN panel. At least the colors look deeper than my current monitor.
Yeah I'm a fan of that as well. What I'm not a fan of is the stand and the strange controller thing it comes with. So far from what I can see from a 720p camera, the picture looks decent for a TN panel. At least the colors look deeper than my current monitor.

But you're viewing it on your current monitor, surely. ;) I understand what you mean though and have my fingers crossed that the colours will be on the rich side rather than the 'washed out' side.
Just got a reply back from Customer Services forum and they said they dont have a date yet for pre-order as they're waiting on suppliers. Dont want to admit it, but i think I might have to get this from the 'other' place :(
I ordered one a while ago, finally just arrived . No dead pixels on mine. I might be struggling from new monitor euphoria, but I am very pleased with it. By no means a monitor expert but ask me questions if you want and ill reply best I can.
I ordered one a while ago, finally just arrived . No dead pixels on mine. I might be struggling from new monitor euphoria, but I am very pleased with it. By no means a monitor expert but ask me questions if you want and ill reply best I can.

How are the blacks and ghosting? Can you post a few pictures of some gameplay maybe?
I can get css screenshots, tried to take some of deus ex and crysis for you, but the its just black when I paste it in Paint. Will get some let me play with it for a bit :)
I can get css screenshots, tried to take some of deus ex and crysis for you, but the its just black when I paste it in Paint. Will get some let me play with it for a bit :)

Can use MSI Afrerburner to take screenshots (saves them in pictures folder). Also comes in handy for showing in game FPS etc :)
I'm not sure how screenshots are supposed to help one assess anything about the monitor when they are purely based on capture from the GPU. Also any photographs will depend on the processing done by the camera and, as with the screenshots, the viewers monitor.
Na I didn't mean screenshots I meant an actual camera shot. And you can easily tell the differnce in quality between some monitors from even a 720p youtube video. Check the Hazro IPS videos.
Na I didn't mean screenshots I meant an actual camera shot. And you can easily tell the differnce in quality between some monitors from even a 720p youtube video. Check the Hazro IPS videos.

If the differences are extreme you can see that there is a difference. Rarely can you see the real nature of this difference, though. The problem is that what you're watching (colours, blacks, whites, motion etc.) depends on your own monitor, the processing done by the camera that's taking the video and the video output itself. If this were anywhere near an accurate representation of what the actual monitor is like first-hand there would be no need to write monitor reviews or indeed buy the monitor at all. :p
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For any owners of this monitor or indeed any 120hz gaming monitors I have a question.

I was all set to purchase the XL2420t a few days back but am still trying to find out whether it will be any good for Quake 3. Yes, I know it's an old game but it's still my main game. I'm sure it's fine for COD and slower pasted stuff like CS etc but what about blur on fast games such as Quake 3?

I've been caught out twice in the past by ppl on forums saying how great monitors are for gaming but horrendous for Quake 3 gaming (dell 2407wfp back in the day which has spent all it's life in standby due to a CRT!)

For any owners of this monitor or indeed any 120hz gaming monitors I have a question.

I was all set to purchase the XL2420t a few days back but am still trying to find out whether it will be any good for Quake 3. Yes, I know it's an old game but it's still my main game. I'm sure it's fine for COD and slower pasted stuff like CS etc but what about blur on fast games such as Quake 3?

I've been caught out twice in the past by ppl on forums saying how great monitors are for gaming but horrendous for Quake 3 gaming (dell 2407wfp back in the day which has spent all it's life in standby due to a CRT!)


I'd imagine any TRUE 120hz monitor would be fine for quake. If quake requires more than 120hz then your only option would be to stick with a CRT. I know I have a few mates that still refuse to use anything but there old CRT's when it comes to quake and CS. And when you say "blur" I imagine you mean ghosting right? In that case what I said already.
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