Best 0% Credit card out at the mo

1 Dec 2004
I need to purchase car insurance and it works out a lot cheaper if I do the deed with a 0% credit card, I currently have an egg card with £400 which is maxed out.

Ill probably need around £500 to cover my insurance cost. Tesco credit card currently have a 0% on purchases for 12 months at the mo which looks to be the best offer.

Any others in the pipeline?

Need a quick reply as I need to apply ASAP :)
Some insurance companies will let you pay it off monthly with no interest charges.
0% credit card is the way forward for things like these, iv done the research. Works out a lot cheaper. Im just looking at the tesco credit card, 0 % on purchases for 12 months.
0% credit card is the way forward for things like these, iv done the research. Works out a lot cheaper. Im just looking at the tesco credit card, 0 % on purchases for 12 months.

Tesco one is great. I got one in the summer 0% for 12 months from purchase for the first 12 months. It makes so much more sense if your other option is taking out some kind of finance deal (providing you get the limit you require anyway)
Hmmm, tried a few 0% credit cards, and with the online applications they dont seem to be offering me a card :( it says the decision was made based on the scoring on my application on the website (not credit rating).

I dont get it, im living with parents, im 25, income is £18k per annum, i also have another 2k or so income per annum yet it still refusing me, been in job over 1.5 years, lived at my home address for over 8 years.
Be careful about applying to a few. Every time you apply and get rejected it goes on your credit report.

No it doesn't.

If the particular lender you apply to does a credit search, the actual search will be recorded on your Experian file. Whether they approve you or not isn't recorded.
Hmmm, tried a few 0% credit cards, and with the online applications they dont seem to be offering me a card :( it says the decision was made based on the scoring on my application on the website (not credit rating).

I dont get it, im living with parents, im 25, income is £18k per annum, i also have another 2k or so income per annum yet it still refusing me, been in job over 1.5 years, lived at my home address for over 8 years.

Yes but how much else do you have on credit?

No it doesn't.

If the particular lender you apply to does a credit search, the actual search will be recorded on your Experian file. Whether they approve you or not isn't recorded.

The point still stands though, many applications and entries on your credit file in a short space of time isn't a good thing.
double check two things

1) make sure the company you pay with the credit card doesnt charge you extra for it

2) make sure the credit card treats the transaction like a normal "purchase", and not as a cash payment (which charges you like 2-4% surplus and puts it on highest interest which is excluded from any 0% offers) so for example depositing £1000 into a poker room on a new card with 16months 0% would charge as £1030 or so and be charged at the usual rate per month (regardless if you pay it off at the end of the month)
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