Best action film ever made?

Top Gun.

Or Heat. But that might count as more of a 'thriller'.


King Kong was probably the best action film I've ever seen at the cinema.
Most of my choices have already been mentioned, so I'll throw in The Fugitive for good measure. Definitely one of the best action films rated 12 or under - good characters/action, some very memorable set pieces and a level of tension throughout.

Proof that you don't need excessive swearing and gore to make a good action film.
going on from this what is the best action scene in a movie ever?

I was watching heat this morning, and thought the bank robbery scene was just the epitome of action, the sound, the sights, the guns, the death, everything that is needed in an action film.
Marvt74 said:
Last Action Hero ;)

Contrary to popular opinion, I actually love that film! I think the scene when Danny is in the theatre about to watch Jack Slater IV epitomises action movies for me! Megadeth on the titles, exploding credits, YESSS!!! And the "Arnie is Hamlet" moment is pure gold! "To be or not to be... not to be!" :D
nero120 said:
Contrary to popular opinion, I actually love that film! I think the scene when Danny is in the theatre about to watch Jack Slater IV epitomises action movies for me! Megadeth on the titles, exploding credits, YESSS!!! And the "Arnie is Hamlet" moment is pure gold! "To be or not to be... not to be!" :D

I love it too. Tom Noonan is fantastic.
Last Action Hero has a brilliant line in it, when Charles Dance shoots someone dead and is surprised to find that no-one in the city really cares.

"I have just shot someone. I did it on purpose."

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