Best and Worst Console Pads Ever

2 Mar 2004
Please give your reasons

Best my new 360 pad it really is great because it fits my hand like a taylor made glove ;)

Worst jaguars pad OMG what were they thinking

looks like an old telephone (sort of).

as for best and worst pads...not had much experience of them, but i'd say now the worst was the original PlayStation pad (they felt too light and flimsy) and the best is the 360's.
Best - 360
Worst of recent years - Gamecube (or as me and my friends call it, the "hand cancer pad").
Worst ever - Origonal NES....come on, its a big uncomfy brick.
Best - 360 pad or Dreamcast pad

Worst - Gamecube controller. Always found it uncomfortable, and depsite the lack of buttons un-intuative. Also the PS2 pad design is very dated now, and I never played on a pad where the analogue sticks centred properly all of the time.
Best: N64 (in it day)
Worst: Dreamcast, loved it t first but the triggers made my hands hurt and in some games there didn't seem to be enough buttons :(
Hey, there was nothing wrong with the NES pad! Surely it isn't the 'worst control pad ever' as, during it's heyday, it was so revolutionary. It has also literally shaped the design of ALL pads ever since. It's like labelling a 1970's Ferrari "crap" because it doesn't have electric windows.

Another vote for the Jaguar here, or maybe the original Xbox pad. :P
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Wang Computer said:
It has also literally shaped the design of ALL pads ever since. It's like labelling a 1970's Ferrari "crap" because it doesn't have electric windows.
No it's like labelling it crap cos it's square with no rounded edges.

Name one pad that spawned from the NES design.
PiKe said:
No it's like labelling it crap cos it's square with no rounded edges.

Name one pad that spawned from the NES design.

Yeah, by today's standards it isn't particularly ergonomic... But in its day, when home video game controllers were generally simple digital joysticks with a single button affairs, it was revolutionary. Therefore labelling it rubbish would be wrong, as you have to look at these things in the context of when they were relevant.

It HAS shaped the design of pads. Virtually all later pads share the same directional pad on the left, buttons on the right, two handed design principle.

My favourite pad has to be from either the SNES or the Playstation 1.
Best: Sega Saturn (Simply perfection back in the day) PS2 Dual Shock and Xbox Wireless (both better for todays gaming - however I wouldnt mind a Saturn pad for SF2 L!ve)

Worst: I never really got on with the N64 Pad, and yes the Jaguar one was a bit crazy!
Best for me is the 360 controller.

Can't really think of one I'd class as my worst, maybe the PS1 or N64
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