Best and Worst Console Pads Ever

its nothing like the original xbox pad though :confused:


controller 's'

Nismo said:
Sorry, but that is utterly ridiculous thinking.

Firstly you are judging it without trying it, secondly its nothing like the original Xbox pad.

I havn't judged it...

After that post from James miller though - :eek: my word it looks rubbish!!
Hmmm my best pad would have to be the 360's controller. (wired in my case)

The worst hmmmm well I don't have a worst but I have a few bad points about different controllers:

The psp's analogue stick because it feels like you are going to break it
The gamecube controller simply for its stupidly placed buttons.
The ps2 pad if you have used a xbox pad before it as it feels far to small and 'wrong'
The original xbox pad for being nearly as big as the console itself.
Any third party controller that attempts to copy the official one.
james.miller said:
looks are nothing to be honest. But if you dont like that, what do you like?

As I've previously posted, Gamecube, N64 and I was gonna say the Thrustmaster Dual Analog 3 but that doesn't come close to the aforementioned superbly designed pads.
i've got a Thrustmaster dual Power II (dual analouge with rumble). It's a nice pad, but doesnt feel half as good as the 360 pad. its very....hollow. A little too big as well IMO
Best Pad : Gamecube / Wavebird ... Very comfortable even after hours of play, very chunky and well constructed.

Worst : 360. Plasticky feeling buttons, uncomfortable shape.
james.miller said:
i've got a Thrustmaster dual Power (dual analouge with rumble). It's a nice pad, but doesnt feel have as good as the 360 pad. its very....hollow. A little too big as well IMO

Agree about the hollow feeling, same with my Thrustmaster Dual Analog 3 as well.

I think part of me wanted to mention that as a fave pad becuase I got an awesome deal on it, £15 bundled with Prince of Persia : Sands of Time, when the game had just come out and was £35 everywere else with no pad! :eek: I thought it wouldn't be fair to class it alongside my fave pads just because of price.
oh they are great pads. Best pad for the pc untill the 360's came along (and no, a PS2 pad with an adaptor is not a worthy mention before anybody says it:p)
One of my favourate party tricks is picking up my wireless 360 controller and switching the console on with while friends are there :D

I can't understand what there is to dislike about this controller :confused:
Best: 360 or N64

Worst: Can't really think of one to be honest.

Edit: Until I saw pumaz's post I never knew you could do that, only had it 4 days tho :cool:

Edit again: Wow, you can even turn it off like that!
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Best : Xbox 360 or maybe Gamecube, the 360 controller feels the best but the gamecube controller has a better feel to the buttons and sticks
Worst : Dreamcast
james.miller said:
I couldn't agree more. Hurts just thinking about it. And the saturn 3d pad....WTF were they thinking?


Have you used one ? I find despite thier terrivble looks they are not actually bad pads. It fits perfectly in my hands and based on the fact it was just a saturn pad with an anologue stick the analogue stick is very good. Well palced, very responsive. But it does loks fugly.
PS2 / PS1 dual shock
Xbox 360

Sega Saturn (the Pal first gen ones)
PC Engine

If you want to talk Joysticks:

Best: Kempston Competition Pro / Zip Stick
Worst: Quickshot 2..... but the auto fire was awesome for playing Jetpac.
stokefan said:
I havn't judged it...

After that post from James miller though - :eek: my word it looks rubbish!!

Hah, you just don't like it. It's the best pad, nice weight and wireless. It's incredible comfortable and looks great.
Personally I like the Dreamcast and Xbox S-controller - although I did find the latter a little small initially. I've never tried the original bigger Xbox controller, maybe I would prefer it as I have big hands. I'm not sure about the 360 controller's shoulder buttons, but otherwise it seems 95% like the S-controller so I'd probably like it.

I've never been a fan of the playstation controllers as I find them too small, they lack analogue triggers and the left analogue stick is not in the correct place IMO. Also I don't like the way the D-pad isn't connected together although some would probably see it as a plus.
Best - Original large X-box
Ergonimically and Anthropometrically perfect for me.

Honourable mention - The Quickshot nes arcade joystick - absolutely bloody superb.

Worst - Oh the list... PSX, PS2, 2600 rotor, most pc joysticks, Nes glove *Yup - I bought one*
Winner - PSX & PS2 - cramp within 5 mins

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