Best Boss Fights?

Nothing stands out like the the 1st time the cyberdemon made an appearance in the original doom, I pood my pants!

The worst one has to be at end of Dying Light which is a "insert swear word here" QTE.
Definitely Metal Gear Solid 1-4 (FOXHOUND, Dead Cell, Cobra Unit, Beauty & Beast Corps). Shame the "Skulls" Parasite Unit sucked in 5.

Final Fantasy 7 probably had some of the most memorable boss fights for me when I was younger. Particularly fighting Jenova-life right after Aeris dies (such sad:(), final battles with Sephiroth (of course), the WEAPONS, the Turks and too many more to list!
I quite liked fighting the metal gear at the end as it could chase you anywhere.
BNK3R from BL2 was really enjoyable for some reason

There's a glitch with that boss I found, get a sla-g-ga SMG spray the bunker while it's in the distance and watch 90% of its health disappear. No idea how or why it happens but I've done it at least 3 times.
Nier Automata has so many 'Boss fights', it is well worth a mention. One of my favourite story games of years gone by also.
Talking purely about bosses, easily MGS3: Snake Eater.

The entire Cobra Unit had that great paranormal air about them and they were all very memorable and unique. The game itself was top-notch as well, with fantastic attention to detail and some great little secrets.
Not PC but to this day Shadow of the Colossus has some epic encounters. For a game that's essentially a boss rush it's mandatory they're excellent, with each of the 13 offering a different mechanic. Combine that with the atmosphere and puzzling away the best way to take down these huge lonely giants, it stands for me alongside MGS3 for memorable moments.
For me, FFVII and FFVIII have some of the best boss fights.

FF 8 is definitely my favourite FF, and the boss battles were awesome - My favourite was probably the first time you fight Edea when Irvine takes a sniper shot at her between the gates :D

Now I need to replay FF 8 again :p
FF 8 is definitely my favourite FF, and the boss battles were awesome - My favourite was probably the first time you fight Edea when Irvine takes a sniper shot at her between the gates :D

Now I need to replay FF 8 again :p

I've played FFVIII about 5-6 times. Some friends and I will be doing another FFVIII marathon soon. Essentially a weekend of all playing VIII together at the same time (we're too cool). It's funny because if you know the game, you can break it. Lionheart sword disk 1 and knowing what to junction makes it stupid easy.
I'm mixing it up next time and using Quistis and Irvine in my main party, whom I do not usually use unless I am forced to.
Gonna mimic those who have suggested Metal gear solid, Especially 3, It's rewarding when you learn the technique to defeating each of the cobra's, The Fear use the fake death pill, wait for The Fear to come up and inspect then turn around, drop a stun grenade and go ham, The three ways to defeating The End and the emotional fight with The Boss when you use hand to hand CQC to beat her.

Great bosses and story telling, worthy of a remake 100%
God of war had some great boss fights, remember the keeper of time in GOW 2 was fun.

Also for nostalgia I loved the metal gear solid boss fight with liquid snake.

Not technically a boss but Kangaxx the lich and Draconis in Baldurs Gate 2 were tough.

Oh god, kangaxx was a nightmare. Eta, mortis, karayo!

For me, some of the witcher 3 bosses are brilliant but...the one that stays in my mind is the final boss of Kid Chameleon.
There's a glitch with that boss I found, get a sla-g-ga SMG spray the bunker while it's in the distance and watch 90% of its health disappear. No idea how or why it happens but I've done it at least 3 times.

alternative is gaige+250stacks of anarchy+torque shotgun

of course that works for most boss fights in bl2 :D :D :D
Can't believe no one has mentioned either of the Darksiders or Castlevania Lords of Shadow games. Some epic bosses across all 4 of those games although my personal favourite was the Medusa Sisters in Castlevania LOS 2. Check this out:

Really under-rated game.
Generally speaking I like my bosses to be tough but susceptible to conventional weaponry, rather than having to use some sort of gimmick to beat them. Serious Sam is a massive let down in that regard; 99% of the game is just epic carnage and then you get some sort of silly jump pad finale.
I especially like when it gives an opportunity for me to use up some of the ammo for the best weapons that I have been stockpiling e.g. BFG in Doom/Quake games.

Painkiller had some good boss fights from what I recall, such as Alasdair with the world collapsing around you.
Lol! :D

The original metal gear solid with the boss where you had to change controller port on the console so he couldn't read your mind, genius.
Probably this :)
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