5 year warranty is damn good since you don't have to worry about pulling out more money if a drive fails.
so there is a lot of use to a 5 year warranty.
Yeah, an external would be good, but seeing as I wanted to get this old machine running as a bit of a media centre as well, I thought it would be much easier/cheaper to just whack a drive in that and hook it up to the network.
5 year warranty is damn good since you don't have to worry about pulling out more money if a drive fails.
so there is a lot of use to a 5 year warranty.
The last thing i'd be worried about is coughing up a little bit of money if a 400GB 5year warranty drive died after 5 years. The 5 years worth of stuff i'd saved on it would hurt me much more. 5 years ago (at a guess) a 40gb hard probably cost the same as the 400gb does now, so pulling out more money in five years for the same drive wouldn't really be a problem.
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