Best DDR4 on the market at the moment for speed/latency/overclocking?

Upto what? And have you tried all timings on auto to see if it will boot at that speed? Imc maybe limiting factor if it dosn't, I take it this is with cpu in your sig?
SA at +0.35V Offset

IA @ 1.4V

On auto, it boots... but only at 2666MHz.

Enable XMP and it won't boot at 3600MHz but automatically sets the timings to 15-15-15-36-2T @ 1.35V

I've reset everything to default and tried enabling only XMP... no boot.

I've updated to the latest 0801 beta bios and no boot.

3400 @ 15-15-15-36-1T @1.35V = no problem.

Tried with only 2 sticks = no boot.

Yes... it is with the rig in my sig... so 6950X & Asus Rampage V Ed 10
Got those voltages wrong.

CPU Input voltage = 2.0
SA = +0.4V (1.4V total)

3400 @ 14-14-14-34-1T = no problem!

3600 @ 19-19-19-49-2T = no boot :(
After going through numerous benchmark scores at hwbot it seem that no one is running speeds above 3500mhz, 3200-3400 being the norm so it looks like a limitation of the IMC, so i'd suggest working on the timings to get the most out of your ram. Of course it depends how much you wanna push voltage, could try 3400 12-12-12-28-1t @1.5-1.6v
That's where I'm going at the moment :)

Looks like you might be right about that... 3600 is a complete no-go.

But at 3400 I'm stable at 13-13-13-34-1T @ 1.5V

Now trying 12-13-13-32-1T @ 1.6V which has booted - just about to run superpi to check.

Then I'll go for 12-12-12-28-1T
What are you testing for? 24/7 stabillity or for a few benchmarks? If for 24/7 dont go to far ahead without thoroughly for stabillity, use a few applications to do this, memtest, realbench, aida64.
If running for benchmarks set maxmem in msconfig to 2048mb and this should enable you to tighten further.
OK - I tend to go for best I can get then possibly back down a little for 24/7... but I'm happy with the feel of 12-12-12-28-1T... it's nice and snappy for usage - good reduction in latency.

Stable boot so far, just loading superpi while I test this.

I tried 11-12-12-28-1T to see and it won't POST at 1.65V - I'm not pushing the voltage any higher than that... so looks like 12-12-12-28-1T @ 1.6V might be good.

I'll also try dropping to 1.55V if this proves stable.
Working on 3rds/tertiarys can improve effiency a lot too, if you can post up a memtweakit screenshot that would help. Memory tweaking can take weeks to get right but can be well worth it depending on your needs.
If SA volts is at 1.4v i'd maybe work on lowering that, i'm not familiar with the 6950X but on the 5960 that would be considered a bit too high for 24/7 usage.
I'm not mixing though... they're both the same 2x2x8GB G.Skill 3600MHz C15

I assume you mean mixing those with the Kingston? I never had any plans to... the Kingston is only in here at the moment because I didn't have any other DDR4 to hand and wanted to get the right stuff which appeared to be on back order. Once the new stuff has arrived - these Kingston sticks are going back in my server.

You are mixing two kits together!-The-meat-and-potatoes-overview.

My 24/7 settings.

VCCSA 1.06v IO 1.08v

4.3 @ 1.28v

DRAM 1.41v

Stability verified with Google Stress App test. Worth noting, that straight 14s are pretty much seemingly possible at the same settings but bit errors occur during Stress App test, meaning the memory is unstable. Would recommend using it unless you want mickey mouse memory stability for daily clocks ;)


Also try setting

Dram ref cycle time 240
Dram refresh interval 65555 (or whatever max is)
Twr 10
Tfaw 20
Tcke 6
Twcl 9

If looking at using these, he will likely need to revert to AUTO in order to establish a daily overclock. A refresh interval of anywhere near that at that density and speed is very much likely to cause corruption when using the system for more realistic periods
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Perhaps that's the issue then.

I have a 4x8GB kit of Corsair sitting here in its box - they still posted it even though I cancelled the order. I'm tempted to try it and see if that can boot at 3600MHz.

At 3400MHz I have 13-13-13-32-1T stable at 1.5V which I'm quite impressed by. I was hoping for 3600MHz at 15-15-15-36-1T or better, but 3400MHz at those timings will be quicker.
If looking at using these, he will likely need to revert to AUTO in order to establish a daily overclock. A refresh interval of anywhere near that at that density and speed is very much likely to cause corruption when using the system for more realistic periods

If it lasts upto 5 mins its stable......

For me :D
You're a different beast :p

Perhaps that's the issue then.

I have a 4x8GB kit of Corsair sitting here in its box - they still posted it even though I cancelled the order. I'm tempted to try it and see if that can boot at 3600MHz.

At 3400MHz I have 13-13-13-32-1T stable at 1.5V which I'm quite impressed by. I was hoping for 3600MHz at 15-15-15-36-1T or better, but 3400MHz at those timings will be quicker.

The word stable is subjective, with things like PI there could be a lot of correction going on. Stability need only be very limited!
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As long as it doesn't crash with what I'm doing & the performance isn't pushed too far where it starts to degrade and perform worse than a "slower" config... I'm happy.

This seems decent...

win10-3400-15-15-15-38-1 by CosmicLogos, on Flickr

win10-3400-14-14-14-34-1 by CosmicLogos, on Flickr

win10-3400-13-13-13-28-1 by CosmicLogos, on Flickr

Unless you have manually submitted a manual tRTP of 2 which is invalid as the minimum spacing is 4, then that tRAS of 28 is invalid. These settings will be being corrected by the chipset
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I used a tRTP setting of 6, i could give you a full set of timings but tbh they would be no good for you unless your benching! The best thing to do really is spend some time and i mean a lot of time testing different timing combinations so you get what works best for your needs.
What should it be?

If you're setting tras manually, the minimum value is cas+trcd+trtp

tRPT should be a minimum of 4 clocks which is the delay between the data burst and precharge. But depending on how far you are pushing things, it should be set one or two clocks higher, as Nick has suggested. That is if the memory IC can even handle 6 clocks. Good kits, b-die especially should be fine with 6, mine handles 4 at the settings I am using.
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