Best food for a mouse ?

29 Oct 2005
Hi all

Got a mouse treating my kitchen as it’s personal pantry. We think it got in via some sort of pipe work attached to the sink area.

We’ve tried peanut butter, and cheese.. but it has not seemed too keen on either of these. (Because of course they don’t like cheese..what!?)

Any tips ?
Peanut oil.

A tall-ish bowl filled partly up with peanut oil. They’ll fall in and be stuck waiting for you to release them. Or whatever
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I used chunky peanut butter last time I had a mouse in the house.

Worked a treat, got two of the perishers.

You have one fussy little rodent by the sounds of it.
Thanks chaps. Will hopefully catch it today. I’ve tried ham last night. No go. Put some fresh p.butter on it this morning. We shall see !
As Armageus.

We have used chocolate many years ago, but I guess being 2024 mice, you will need to ensure it is fair trade, organic and picked by ******** ********* **** :D
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What is it eating in the kitchen? Use that as bait. While mice are less neophobic than rats, it might still help.
If eating oats for example then can still use peanut butter as a base but sprinkle the oats around the trap and some inside the bait holder with the peanut butter. Maybe first try without the peanut butter tho, so, just use whatever it's been eating. Oh and obviously remove other food sources otherwise might still go for that and ignore the trap.

Key thing is to block any entrance points. It makes catching any trapped inside easier as will become desperate for food and of course stops other rodents from coming in at a later date. Mice are like rats and leave a trail (scent/pheromones) that will attract other mice even sometime later.
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