Best food for a mouse ?

When I had a pest control guy out previously, he carried a tub of Nutella, and used nothing other than that on all of the traps (except little bags inside the traps, which I can only assume was some sort of poison?).

Regarding blocking access points, same guy suggested using chicken wire or similar, scrunched up and pressed into any holes prior to filling them, to stop the little blighters chewing their way through so easily.
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Try Nutella or similar if peanut butter isn't working.
They love this. Less is more on the trap.

In an old house we used some chocolates, the mouse kept taking them. Eventually we found the mouse dead next to the trap. A big chunck of cadburys caramel in it's mouth. The trap hadn't gone off so we assume it died of a heart attack from the poor diet we had been feeding it.
Ronnie bought a mouse in and we didn't know till I saw it walk past computer room door .
I got the trap out -One of those sprung wire ones that nearly cut them in half. Put cheese on it and next morning cheese had gone but trap not spung -did this for few days then changed to peanut butter -piled in on the spike and left it to harden then put trap down -worked a treat and he was a big mouse -He was big enough to lean over the trap and just pick cheese up without stepping on trap. also found he liked dry rice and Lidl ginger biscuits. He found my stash of biscuits in wardrobe.
When I had a pest control guy out previously, he carried a tub of Nutella, and used nothing other than that on all of the traps (except little bags inside the traps, which I can only assume was some sort of poison?).

Regarding blocking access points, same guy suggested using chicken wire or similar, scrunched up and pressed into any holes prior to filling them, to stop the little blighters chewing their way through so easily.
Steel wool is the best stuff to block access points, its very dense when packed in tightly and it it hurts their mouths to chew it

We had mice last year and got very good results with Nutella and a Baouka electric trap. Please don’t use the adhesive mats though, they are inhumane
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No. I won’t use adhesive mats. Awful way to go.

I’d much rather trap it and relocate it. But I know for a fact it’ll find its way back.

Wire wool is / chicken wire is a great suggestion too guys. Thank you. Gonna plug some holes with wire wool / silicone.
Steel wool is the best stuff to block access points, its very dense when packed in tightly and it it hurts their mouths to chew it

We had mice last year and got very good results with Nutella and a Baouka electric trap. Please don’t use the adhesive mats though, they are inhumane

The wire wool only acts as a deterrent if the mice have amalgam dental fillings.
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