Best Games you've ever played

CS 1.3-1.6 in Leagues, Cups & Competitions.

Excellent communities at the time, and such a rewarding game as a tactician for my clan (still play games with them all to this day)
Grand Prix 3
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
Micro Machines
Duke Nukem 3D
Comand & Conquer's
Half Life's
Street Fighter 2
Double Dragon
UFO Enemy Unknown
Frontier: Elite II
Final Fantasy 7
Command & Conquer (Red Alert in particular)
Medal of Honour Allied Assault
Civilization (1 , 2 & 4)
UFO : Enemy Unknown
Ultima Underworld 1 + 2
System Shock
Neverwinter Nights (for the community stuff and Bioware's support)
Sensible Soccer (just fun)
and last and not least

Heavy on the Magick
for me i loved Phantasy star online on the dreamcast, Shadow of the colossus for ps2, the only game to really wow me in recent years has been mario galaxy, it brought the nostalgic feeling from mario 64 with it, from the moment you land on the first level and hear the music, you know your in for something special
I can only narrow it down to my top 5 - based on enjoyment and the number of months of my life I spent playing them...

Turrican 2 - Amiga
Elite 2 - PC
Street Fighter 2 - Arcade
F1GP - Amiga
Gran Turismo 2 -PS2
My favorite games are FFIX and Half Life 2. The most memorable are Aliens for the Playstation 1 and Jurassic Park: Chaos Island for the PC. Childhood memories :D.
Hmm, well there are too many for one long list so I'll split them up into 3 groups of favourites.

The 'A' List: IMO the best games ever made

Baldur's Gate 1 and 2
Planescape Torment
Fallout 1 and 2
Deus Ex

The 'B' List: Extremely good but not quite on the same level as the above

Vampire: The Masquerade
Star Wars: Knights of the old Republic
Max Payne 1 and 2
Half life 1 and 2
Stalker: SoC
Thief games
Football Manager series (and championship manager before the split)

The 'C' List: All still very good games that I'd recommend to anyone

The Witcher
Fallout 3
Mass Effect
Neverwinter Nights 1 and 2
C&C Tiberian Sun (Online)
Counterstrike and CS: Source
Unreal Tournament 1
Dungeon Keeper 2
Monkey Island
Stalker: CS
WH40k: Dawn of War 1
Black & White

Far Cry
and for some reason Mirror's Edge which frustrated the hell out of me when I was playing it.
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