Best Games you've ever played

Ancient Domains of Mystery (ADOM).

It's a Roguelike. No sound, no graphics, a hundred key combination commands and the harshest learning curve I've ever encountered in a game. If you achieve even a basic victory in the first two months of play without cheating, you've done very well.

I've been playing it on and off for about 10 years, through a couple of dozen development versions to the current 1.1.1 release. Rather sadly, that release is bugged and you need to find a fan patch for it. The developer (there's only one) contracted a severe case of real life which killed development. I've beaten the game dozens of times and I still play and enjoy it. Maybe one day I'll win with a trollish merchant :)
Hitman: 1,2,3,4
Dead Space
Brothers in Arms 2
casino royale
left 4 dead
LOTR: return of the king
mirrors edge

mortal combat 3 ultimatum
street of rage 1,2,3 (bare knuckle)
beyond oasis

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Star Raiders in 1981 on my Atari 400. NOTHING has held me as long or impressed me as much since! In it's day, a day when everyone else was playing with ZX81's it was epic. I was of course 14 so perhaps easier to impress but back then it was incredible.
goldeneye, warcraft 3 tft and ghost recon 2, star wars jedi knights/old republic got to be some of best games ever made
In no order or format pref:

Shemnue 1 & 2 - Story
QW & Q3 / 4 - All modded
PK - While CPL was running leagues
MOH:AA for leagues and MOH:Spearhead for online play
MGS - 1/2 and 4 - Story
COD4 - Online
RB6 - Raven shield for online play.
Half life 1 and 2
RFactor - F1 Mod
Fear - Online

Various others throughout the years, but these made the final cut.
Doom - need I say more
Elite - utter classic
SWG - best mmo to date so versatile and such a good game balance
settlers 2 - I wasted so many hours on that.
C&C renegade - Best online FPS bar none. It might be simple, the graphics might be lacking. but such a balanced and fun game.
X2 - The ultimate space sim, can't wait for he woo space sim mmos next year.
SOF - again such a good online FPS, again basic and simple. But game play and fun in abundence.
On the Pc only :

Hexen and Heretic
Doom I,II and 3
Duke Nukem 3d
Redneck Rampage
Diablo II
Battlefield 2 + expansions
Far Cry
UT 2004
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Acorn Electron

Commodore 64
Apache 64

XBOX 360


Really enjoying Team Fortress 2, Batman and Grid at the mo......
Half-Life - The game that made me upgrade my first pc (I used to use an amiga 1200 before it lol)
Neocron - Full of bugs but still by far the most fun I've ever had in an MMO (probably due to the great community)
Battlefield 1942 - Still my favourite battlefield game of the series, so simple yet tons and tons of fun to play with mates online and lans
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