Best headset/headphones for...

thnx for the advice but im set in my way on these barracudas purely becuase i trust the advice of my friend whos tryied multiple headsets and rates this one superior, its mainly for cod4 and i know he has good sound because he always says u heard that or ye hes there etc... he doesnt hack either hehe
thnx for the advice but im set in my way on these barracudas purely becuase i trust the advice of my friend whos tryied multiple headsets and rates this one superior, its mainly for cod4 and i know he has good sound because he always says u heard that or ye hes there etc... he doesnt hack either hehe

But has he compared these gaming headsets with good stereo headphones?
because i wasnt originally - but after getting your feedback and his hes got the most experience off using more headsets... i havent had a reply like - the barracudas are bad compare to the hd555 when i used them...

Its seems to be go and get this headset the quality is a lot better and clearer, and then it turns they dont even block out noise which is no help

in order is has to be, pinpoint accuracy - 5.1 obviously better for rear and front
noise canceling
But a stereo headset with a wide soundstage reproduces the sound much better for the reasons Mansize gave. Having tried multiple headsets a good set like the beyerdymanic DT770s both he and myself have is a far better option.
in order is has to be, pinpoint accuracy - 5.1 obviously better for rear and front
noise canceling

With this in mind then the Barracudas really aren't a very good option at all, then.

They're incredibly expensive when you consider what you're actually getting. In general, stereo headphones offer much better value in comparison.

I can't comment on their comfort as I've never worn them, the same goes for their ability to block out sound. I can say, however, that a good pair of closed stereo headphones (the DT770s, for example) will probably isolate a lot better and have a much wider sound stage.

Also, the fact that the Barracudas have multiple drivers in them probably does more bad than good. Because they aren't full-range drivers there are so many sounds you won't hear with them, making them pretty poor for positional audio, if you ask me.
i cant understand that though, purely 5.1 etc more speakers easier to pinpoint - this is what i dont understand... if you hear it in the rear speaker there comnig from the rear... hence why its easier

It doesnt need to reproduce the sound as its direct unlike the sterio as you mention

I guess ** opening my mind up but i hope you actually have gaming experience and not just saying this from an audio POV

Whats the best headset for under £100 that noise cancels, cumfy and will help me pinpoint enemy on cod4 / fps games
But has he compared these gaming headsets with good stereo headphones?

I dont believe he has but he has tried the so called good 5.1 etc and he can hear everything that needs to be heard

Have you lot tried the barracudas because it all seems judgemental without even listening to them... i probably sound bias i dont mean to be though
I have used a couple of 5.1 headphones in my time playing games like counterstrike, day of defeat, all of duty etc. etc.

I have tried the medusa 5.1's and another pair of 5.1's also, cannot remember what they were called, they were that pathetic I have forgotten their name.

I also have had for the last 5-6 years a pair of Sennheiser HD580's (the newer ones are probably even better than this model) and I Can say hand on heart I can tell much more easily where people are with the Sennheiser stereo headsets. The quality is much clearer, and the I asume emulated surround system combined with good quality drivers in the headphones are so much better than the rubbish tinny and weak ones in the 5.1 headsets.

As people have said the sound stage is much more expansive and wider and lets you quickly and easily tell where people are coming from. With the 5.1 sets all you ever hear is a noise and you have to spend ages trying to tell if it came from behind, or above because the sound is very closed in, narrow and hard to distinguish properly.

I would definitely reccomend a decent pair of stereo headsets also :)
I guess ** opening my mind up but i hope you actually have gaming experience and not just saying this from an audio POV

Whats the best headset for under £100 that noise cancels, cumfy and will help me pinpoint enemy on cod4 / fps games

I'm a gamer, don't worry! That's why I was inclined to get a pair of 5.1 headphones like yourself. Only I did, and I regretted it. I then got the Beyerdynamic DT 770 Pro (80 ohm), which were about £95 I think by the way, and I was blown away.

I got them for the sole purpose of gaming, but I was so impressed with the sound quality I began using them a lot more for music. Stereo headphones are more versatile in this respect.

You might also want to consider the Audio Technica ATH-A700. They're closed and have a very wide sound stage which is often what gamers are recommended if you have a look around the head-fi forums.

EDIT: You might also want to consider the build quality if the 'phones in question. I'm guessing that of the Razers aren't that great. I'm sure any owners of the Beyers will tell you they're very rugged. I don't like to make general sweeping statements like this, but in general the build quality of 'phones made by reputable headphone companies (except Grado, maybe) will supersede those which tend to market their products towards gamers. I for one was not happy with the build quality of the Medusas at all; they're cheaply made with low quality materials, I felt like I had to be very careful with them to make sure I didn't break them. My Beyers are built like a tank in comparison. I hope I don't sound like I work for Beyerdynamic. :p
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ok, you lot convinced me ;)

Can you give me the name of the pair best suited
Noise cancel (NEEDS THIS FOR LANS)
Wide sound stage

Where can i get a clip on mic so its easy to talk on voice activation

*EDIT* - Also what about those sennheiser pc 350 i can probably get those for -100 or are they bad also?
I've actually got a pair of Audio Technica A900's that I'm not using, they're closed cans so good for LAN, and have a very good soundstage (perfect for FPS games, I play css competitively albeit not really for money).

Let me know if you're interested.
Have had a pair of Sennheiser 580's for about years now. Absolutely lovely to use for extended periods of gaming. Tried the Barracudas to see if I was missing out on something with the 5.1 but they were truly awful.
Have had a pair of Sennheiser 580's for about years now. Absolutely lovely to use for extended periods of gaming. Tried the Barracudas to see if I was missing out on something with the 5.1 but they were truly awful.

My experience exactly, only thing is the Senn 580's are open so no noise isolation
Have had a pair of Sennheiser 580's for about years now. Absolutely lovely to use for extended periods of gaming. Tried the Barracudas to see if I was missing out on something with the 5.1 but they were truly awful.
I RMA'd my 'cuda's last week - the earpiece started rattling. Been impressed with them though. I wouldn't describe them as awful.
Im in agreement with the others, headsets with their 5.1 and 7.1 gimmicks are absolutely crap and a waste of money. Please stop listening to your friends, they are speaking tripe and acting in a retarded way. They are recommending headsets because gamer sites told them to do that, and all the '1nt3rn3t' people go on about them.

Unfortunately all of these people have never heard a good set of headphones as in their eyes headsets with loads and loads of little drivers apparently will produced better positioning and sound.

Just think of it this way, say a £60 headset and headphone are compared, and the cost of the housing/cables for each is £20. The relative costs of the drivers (only parts remaining to complete) for each are:

Senn HD555 headphones (x1 driver each side) cost = 40/2 = £20 a piece.
BAracuda extreeeeme 5.1 OMG SOUNDZ (x5 drivers each side) = 40/10 = £4 a piece.

This calculation won't even be accurate as the headset will have drivers bought in bulk from a cheapy chinese company, and no wonder soo many break.
A decent headphone manufacturer will spend a lot of time and money developing headphones, trying different designs, and spending as much of the money as possible on a decent pair of drivers to go in them. Gamer headsets pray on gamers because they think that razer, icemat and others are best because they make gamer things.

What on earth do icemat, a mousemat maker who produce coloured sheets of glass, know about sound engineering ??????????????? Just think of it like that, it is all marketing hipe.

For gaming I would check out the senn HD555, or the beyer dt770 pro (which are closed so no sound leaks = the best isolation). Don't know anything about the goldrings mentioned, but il let more experienced gamers how have specific headphons for the task give you the real recommendations. But I do recommend to take up that offer from one of the guys for his AT 900s, supposedly very good for gaming.
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I use the aforementioned Sennheiser HD555 mainly for music, but also for Call Of Duty. They give perfect audio positioning, and I play at quite a decent level.

Having tried a mate's Razer OMG 5.1 SURROUND WTF AMAZING HEADSET a year or two ago I was less than impressed - the sound was very tinny and horrible.

I'd definitely go with a reputable audio name, even for a 'gaming' headset.

We should start e-mailing and harrasing these companies and get them to put these sorts into their new products. It would be very very funny seeing the new threads posted asking for advice on 'RZERERER ZOMG WTF BBQ 17/18.2'.

I'm glad it's not just me who thinks of them in this way.

If you want some real surround headphones then check out the 'sennheiser surrounder', tried these on and they are epic. Actually tried the ones pictureed in the thread linky below :D:D:D
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