Best modern war film

25 Jul 2005
So what are peoples favorite modern war film? By modern I mean last 10-20 years.

At the moment mine is 'We were soldiers' with Mel Gibson, a film that I thought was going to be rather rubbish but turned out to be gold, partly because both sides (and leaders) were portrayed as people fighting for their country, not the goody and the evil communist. And partly because it really brought home the stark lives the families they left behind in the US.

So, what's yours? :)
Full Metal Jacket count as Modern? just sneaks in on the 20 year mark lol
If so then that is probably my favorite. If you allowed 30 years then the deer hunter would be up there too, but since it isn't then Full Metal Jacket it is :)
if you mean modern as the time it is set in is in the last 20 years, I would go for blackhawkdown or jarhead.

If you mean 20 years as in made in the last 20 years, I would go for enemy at the gates or saving private ryan.
mglover070588 said:
if you mean modern as the time it is set in is in the last 20 years, I would go for blackhawkdown or jarhead.

If you mean 20 years as in made in the last 20 years, I would go for enemy at the gates or saving private ryan.

Sorry yeah I mean films made in the last 20 years not based on the last 20 years. :)
mark66 said:
Definitely Black Hawk Down. Love it a bit more each time I see it.

That is another very good film, infact I was watching that yesterday and it gave me the idea for this thread. :)
Saving Private Ryan, Full Metal Jacket, Platoon, Black Hawk Down have all been mentioned and for very good reason. :)
If you're talking films that are based on modern warfare, then I'd say Black Hawk Down. If you're talking war films that were made within the last 20 years, then it has to be Saving Mr Ryan, without a doubt.
Paul -C- said:
Tae Guk Gi: The Brotherhood of War (if you don't mind subtitles)
Although a pretty good film, it's pretty shabby around the edges and some of the over-acting is just laughable.

To answer the original question; i think everyone here knows that Saving Private Ryan wins hands down.
Amp34 said:
Sorry yeah I mean films made in the last 20 years not based on the last 20 years. :)

Ah, in that case then for me, 'Master and Commander The Far Side Of The World'. There is a complete lack of recently made Naval War films and the opening scene from this film is nearly (but definitely not quite) as shocking as the start to Saving Private Ryan. To see a couple of 5th/6th rates hammering at each other and the destruction wrought sends shivers down my spine especially when you scale that up to what 1st/2nd rate Men-of-War would do to each other, I need someone to make more of the same :(
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