Best modern war film

TheMightyTen said:
Ah, in that case then for me, 'Master and Commander The Far Side Of The World'. There is a complete lack of recently made Naval War films and the opening scene from this film is nearly (but definitely not quite) as shocking as the start to Saving Private Ryan. To see a couple of 5th/6th rates hammering at each other and the destruction wrought sends shivers down my spine especially when you scale that up to what 1st/2nd rate Men-of-War would do to each other, I need someone to make more of the same :(

I have never actually seen it, I keep meaning to get it but never do. I have a perchant for Hornblower and from the looks of it it is pretty similar. I'll have to watch it some day. :)

And I have a sneaking suspicion that a couple of people are missing the 20 years old max limit... ;)
Saving Private Ryan
Blackhawk Down
Apocalypse Now
Lord of the Rings
Band of Brothers
Enemy at the Gates
Full metal Jacket
Fubar said:

It's a modern war film, it just happens to a war for Middle Earth. The location or specific war wasn't stipulated in the OP so it's a fair choice. I'm glad you quoted it anyway as I noticed that I left Starship Troopers out of the list. :)
Amp34 said:
I have never actually seen it, I keep meaning to get it but never do. I have a perchant for Hornblower and from the looks of it it is pretty similar. I'll have to watch it some day. :)

I was an extra in a couple of Hornblowers, whilst on set on the Grand Turk (HMS Idefatigable in the series) one of the permanent crew recommended that I read the Patrick O'Brian books (Master and Commander is made from an amalgamation of two of his books -Far side of the world and HMS Surprise, although funnily enough none of the book Master and Commander itself :confused: ). When I heard the film was being made and who was playing Jack Aubrey I swore I'd never watch it. A little later however whilst visiting the Historic Dockyards in Pompey they had redone the exhibit for the sail that had been carried by HMS Victory during Trafalgar and it included a rolling film of scenes from (including some specially filmed ones for the exhibit alone) the battles in Master and Commander, needless to say it gave me goosebumps and I immediately went out and watched the film and was certainly glad I did.

It's not to dissimilar to Hornblower, although it's grittier, and in places slower which gives a real sense of the loneliness and independence of an 18th/19th Century cruising Man-of-War as they criss-crossed the Worlds oceans.
Cool about being an extra ^^

OT but i was nearly an extra in the 3rd Harry potter movie as i was at durham uni when they were filming - wrong colour hair they said ! :mad:

back to war stuff,

Saving private ryan is gotta be up there as well as black hawk down (modern war).

i really liked jarhead, the way it makes you so frustrated cos there is an anti-climax every time there is a hint of action really puts home the frustration the troops went through (classic scene is the sniper one when they just airstrike instead)

just to throw the cat amongst the pigeons, but a fave film is Munich - war against terrorism iffy i know.... but if lord of the rings is allowed to mentioned thought that would be..
Azagoth said:
It's a modern war film, it just happens to a war for Middle Earth. The location or specific war wasn't stipulated in the OP so it's a fair choice. I'm glad you quoted it anyway as I noticed that I left Starship Troopers out of the list. :)
The battle of Helm's Deep is great stuff indeed. Good call on Starship Troopers too, definitely more to it than just mindless action, not that the action isn't plenty entertaining.
i like war films but i keep forgetting all the soldiers names so when someone gets killed i am wtf who was that... i keep thinking damn i am supposed to feel empathy but i honestly dont remember his name!
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