Best modern war film

ElvisFan said:
Without wanting to carp on about it, even though "A Bridge Too Far" is thirty years old I urge people to watch it. There will NEVER be a film of it's like ever again.

I watched the DVD on Sunday night and I'm currently reading the Cornelius Ryan book upon which it was based. I'm frankly amazed that one film could encompass so much of what happened on those nine fateful days of September 1944.
indeed truly a classic :)
I'm struggling to think of a really good war film made in the last 20years. The strange thing is the best ones for me are often not really your traditional combat films, based more on civvies i.e. maybe:

La Vita E Bella
The Pianist
Empire of the Sun

However I'm gonna have to go for Full Metal Jacket, in spite of the fact that it's not even my favourite Vietnam movie.
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