best mp3 player

2 Aug 2006
hi im thinking of getting a new mp3 player, i currently have a creative zen touch 20gb, i would prefer touch screen if possible, budget £150-200
would prefer touch screen if possible,/QUOTE]

Answered your own question really, Ipod Touch. Ive had a look at a few Archos's but they are just to big to be truely portable. I said I would never buy an Ipod a few years back, but ive had the touch a few months and now I cant find anything lese id rather have and ill be getting an Iphone soon.
Depends what you want, if you want wifi etc go for the touch, if you want great sound quality, but not so many features get a Samsung P2.
It's not great, I'm sure an apple fanboy will be here soon enough to tell you how awesome it is :rolleyes:. But you can always use an external amp.
great if you dont need to use the eq. awful if you do unless you replaygain every track you tranfer down to 70db or something like that, in which case it'll sound alright.

its no sony nwz-a though
^ actually I was surprised recently, GMP3 said :


Think I'll be getting a P2! :)
well thats a load of rubbish lol. the d2 is better then the clix and i cant say ive listened to a p2 yet but ive not seen anybody singing their praises over the sonys. and why is the zune rated that highly? lol
Zune's always been touted for having good sq. D2's sound has always been off, it has far too much hype - I'd go for the i7 as it sounds better. No idea about the clix but a quick look at head-fi seems to suggest it is better.
d2 off? how lol it certainly isnt worse than a zune. in fact its very good with a decent set of high impedance 'phones. seperation isnt the best but that isnt always a bad thing. and it definitely is better than a clix. im not sure where you've looked on headfi but the two main players are the d2 and sony a81x series. mainly because they are both very good but very different sounding. the d2 is very clinical and needs careful pairing with 'phones, the sonys are much warmer and forgiving. its a personal choice but neither are bad sounding, not by a long shot.
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i like the ipod touch but whats sound like

I dunno, on my ipod touch my music is at a steady 92db and it sounds pretty damn good...mind you i have a pair of Sony EX90's so it helps if you get a decent set of earphones. Perhaps my ears arent as good as they used to be but tbh i wouldnt touch any other mp3 but an ipod now...mind you i picked up my ipod touch from Canada so i dont have that rubbish volume limiter crap on it:p.
I'd recommend the 2nd gen 80gb Zune, the sound quality is great, the interface is good and I quite like the software as well.

I can't vouch for the phones though, as I use my's with them and although there's no eq, the sound is very good indeed.
my sony 816 is in a different league to my iphone. iphones/ipod touchs are perfectly fine if you know you'll never need to use the equaliser. but they just arent as exciting as the sony.
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I'd recommend the 2nd gen 80gb Zune, the sound quality is great, the interface is good and I quite like the software as well.

I can't vouch for the phones though, as I use my's with them and although there's no eq, the sound is very good indeed.

how much is it
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