Best PC Speakers for under £300

For £300 get seperates some nice MORDAUNT SHORT AVANT 902i can be had for £90 + take your pick on an amp.
Can get an arcam alpha 9 or 10 for around £150-£200 on the bay.
Hell even my gale mini monitors still sound great, I have logitech z4's and they are complete crud for music.

Do this. I bought a Arcam Alpha 9 for £100, using with B&W 601 (PC audio system) Probably 601 £80 second hand. Will blow away ANY commerically made 2.1/5.1 "PC speaker system" sold in computer shops.
Those B&Ws are good looking speakers, the 601 S3s might end up on my shopping list.

So whats on your shopping list so far? Are you after a new amp as well?

The Bowers & Wilkins 601S3 do look real good. These DM601 FatBoy Slim look so hideous I had to share.


Ha ha who would own them ?
Hey, my KrK RP6's have yellow cones! Thankfully they don't have 'art' all over the sides of them though (and they're not the terrible white limited edition ones either)
thanks for all the replies.

as for the bose comments, i'm a mod on avforums and wouldn't **** bose off they do make some decent speakers although you can put together a much better system usually for the price. I already have a mid/hi end 2 channel system in its own room and so these speakers where just for general listening.

in the end i opted for some sennheiser hd650's and now just deciding on what amp to get :confused:. i'm just break the senns in but already they sound good through my normal headphone socket.
I have what's classed as "very good hearing" (not a good thing at times).

I've never heard anything Bose (not heard them all) that I thought sounded good.

I remember the Wave Radio/CD at many £100's when launched and it sounded crap IMO.

The last time I was actually impressed with Sound was in my m8's store (electronics + music stuff), he had 2 very big Powered/Active Speakers going to test some customers hardware, I entered as the bass was turned down and then he turned it up and WOW (had not heard this in years), Real natural bass not a thud or cluck lol.

The CD he was using was actually for testing and varied the bass and treble from none to full.

I ain't had good PC sound in music since my Live 5.1 Player and Cambridge Soundworks 5.1 days. :(
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Agreed, for the price, theres absolutely nothing wrong with the 5500's :)

Got the S750's myself, never had a problem with them and they sound fantastic :D
Go for separates mate, no question. Do you have a digital output on your motherboard? If so get an amp with digital input and then you wont have to deal with getting a new soundcard.
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