Best software to organise my music?

12 Jun 2004
My music is a mess. My mp3 player doesn't have albums i have on my computer and vice versa. I started to use WMP but i got sick of it and so i'm turning to you the forum for advice.

Suggestions for organising my music, i'm thinking iTunes maybe? Or even SonicStage? (It was on my computer already...).

Kind regards :x
Winamp for the win. Can't stand iTunes. It always makes my PC run slow whenever I install a new version for evaluation purposes. Just don't like the whole interface of iTunes.
therubble said:
I use ITune's and it's excellent

Thats what i say. I've used it since i had a mac, and it was one of the only free apps to allow you to rip and burn unlimited amounts of CD's. Never had one problem with it
therubble said:
I use ITune's and it's excellent

Me too, I've just started using it the past few days and I love it. Mind you I had most of my music properly tagged to start with, so probably a bit of a pain if you don't. I just let it manage my music folders now too, so much easier!

It might be slightly bigger than other files, but that's why I spent a few grand on a decent PC, so it can run things!
ITunes is the best.

let it manage your music and keep it all nicely organised in folders.

download something? drag and drop it in itunes and delete the downloaded file.

perfect. I only wish I could browse by album art though.
I've only just started to play with iTunes, but how do you get the album art using it? Is there a way that you can get it to search for it and then assign it to the album?
and i am talking a few years ago, apps would only let you do so many rips and burns
I used to use realjukebox and it gave unlimited rips and burns.

I use iTunes now and find it does everything I need and i don't have so little system resources that I notice the 50Mb of memory it's using up.
I couldnt say anything other than WinAMP.
It really is fantastic.

I have about 30,000+ tunes in my library and it has started to slow when finding a track...but I imagine that would be the same with most librarys of this volume though.
Pyrosoft said:
I couldnt say anything other than WinAMP.
It really is fantastic.

I have about 30,000+ tunes in my library and it has started to slow when finding a track...but I imagine that would be the same with most librarys of this volume though.
Is it worth £10 though? $20 for the full version - the free download looks a little limiting to me- or is just their decription of the free version that makes it appear so?
If you mean also on the hard disk, then RealPlayer. Will sort out the file names and even put them in folders, etc.

Prefer Winamp though for playing.
To be honest, I just organise it myself. I have thousands of albumless MP3s (ie tracks I like off an album and rip them rather than entire albums) and loads of CD albums that I ripped lock stock to my hard drive.
If I want to play the lot I use Winamp and just load the directory. If I want a particular album, they're all organised in an albums folder, by artist and album. I use CoverSearch plugin in Winamp which gets the cover from and puts in the album folder as a folder.jpg (so it appears as a thumbnail).
Theres pretty much no need to use anything other than iTunes. As long as you give all your tunes the appropriate tags then iTunes works like a beaut!

I never update iTunes though. Can't be bothered with all the carp Apple include wityh every new version.
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