Have I missed the plot?
As all my previous mp3's had to be converted before being stored on my ipod I assumed it didnt play mp3's natively?
Does this mean that I can burn to mp3 format at 192kbps within itunes and have them on my ipod in same format?
I am burning my whole collection of cd's again (about 500) and then the cd signles I have also, so I want to choose the right burner once and for all.
I dont care if I then move all My mp3's off to long term storage and just convert using itunes if I have to (to aac or something ipod's use) but if ipods can use mp3 natively thats even better. I just dont want to stick all my music in a proprietary format incase ipods wither and die and lets say the 3rd gen of Sony's 21st century players kick a** and you cant convert.
As all my previous mp3's had to be converted before being stored on my ipod I assumed it didnt play mp3's natively?
Does this mean that I can burn to mp3 format at 192kbps within itunes and have them on my ipod in same format?
I am burning my whole collection of cd's again (about 500) and then the cd signles I have also, so I want to choose the right burner once and for all.
I dont care if I then move all My mp3's off to long term storage and just convert using itunes if I have to (to aac or something ipod's use) but if ipods can use mp3 natively thats even better. I just dont want to stick all my music in a proprietary format incase ipods wither and die and lets say the 3rd gen of Sony's 21st century players kick a** and you cant convert.