Best SSD for Windows 7 install?

24 Aug 2007
This drive will only be used to house Windows 7 x64, no games etc. I mainly am interested in quick boot up times and quick application loading

I was looking at the Crucial RealSSD, does anyone have any other suggestions? There are so many to choose from!

Many thanks
I was thinking of adding a new Real SSD 128 to the new Rampage III or Gigabyte UD7 SATA boards. I was hoping to add two in Raid 0 if someone can explain if this is better than one 256 and 2T h'drive?
Toms hardware and Anandtech say that the performance is not consistent. Thus i would be sceptical on them. It might be fixed soon but you never know.

Vertex (and any drive based on the barefoot controller) is consistent. So is intel (with the only "weakness" being the "low" sequential writes of 100MBs/sec. Both support TRIM and are proven products. IMO the new drives are not proven yet...
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