Best way to invest £125 to see returns

I can not understand why so many are saying gold.
I can see gold dropping to around $600oz within the next two years.
I think the people who are buying now have really missed the boat on buying gold. Why buy when its nearly at its peak just compare the gold price over the last 40 years. Over the last few years the rise has been far too sharp.

But i would go with the ones who say take advantage of the casinos with quidco and matched bonus. If you have not already done so, it should net you over £300 easy.
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Tell me more on this gold business then

It won't work for the same reason buying shares won't work, even in a rising market.

You have to pay commission per transaction, which will be something like £10 a time. Given that you have to buy and sell again to realise your investment, you'll need something like a 30-40% rise in the price of gold to recoup your costs and still make a profit from a £125 stake.
I would seriously just bank the cash somewhere safe and be happy that you've got it. Pyramid/other name schemes are dodgy as hell and there's a reason the people at the top make the cash.

Only way to get a quick return really is gamble it and risk it that way. Only buying £125 shares won't get you huge amounts and as others have said by the time you've paid commision you'll make a few quid at most.
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