Best way to invest £125 to see returns

Bonus bagging - or, if you want a safer but probably less substantial profit, matched betting.

Read the T & Cs very carefully and learn which evil bookies limit you to under a pound before you've even completed the WR. :rolleyes:

Did one for peanuts ( ~ £70 ) last weekend. But free money is free money. :o
I can not understand why so many are saying gold.
I can see gold dropping to around $600oz within the next two years.
I think the people who are buying now have really missed the boat on buying gold. Why buy when its nearly at its peak just compare the gold price over the last 40 years. Over the last few years the rise has been far too sharp.

I bought a couple of months ago and made £100 in a few days. In times of financial crisis gold is a safe bet.
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Spend it on paying off credit cards, overdrafts and loans if you have any. The money you spend on interest on such things will be far more than the guaranteed returns on any investments you may make with the money, which strictly speaking is taxable depending on your circumstances.

As people say, if you are a gambler try a flutter on the lottery. For a safer gamble try premium bonds. You get no interest but you may win big time. You can always get your money back. Having said that I've had a few for decades and never won anything.
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