Best/Worst Bond Movie

I won't have a bad word said about Moonraker! :)
Best is so difficult to say because of the different style/periods/bonds. I would say Casino Royal was ground breaking, as it was the first one where they managed to combine a love story so well with a hard, modern and realistic bond in terms of the fight scenes and chases. Great film. (Yes I know it's not the first love story one)
What's the one where Denise Richards get's her white t-shirt wet? ;)

Worst... I found a couple of the earlier ones very slow but still enjoyable.
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I have a number of favourites depending on my mood - Dr No, Casino Royale (DC), Goldeneye, Licence to Kill all standout - I do wish Dalton had done more.

As for the worst, Quantum of Solace, No Time to Die, Die Another Day are all pretty awful.
I didn't like Bronson as bond at all, was to smarmy and always has that air of a silver spoon in his mouth. (Golden eye was ok but mainly because Sean Bean rocked it)

Goldfinger - Best
Die another Day or the second half of skyfall where it drags on and on and on and on and on....
Absolutely love Live and Let Die, but the fight against Kananga(sp?) lets it down badly with the inflating bullet...hmmm. The rest of it is spot on though and actually quite scary in places! (snakes and crocs!)
Die Another Day may have been awful but it has the best five second scene out of the entire franchise.
Best - From Russia with Love.

Worst - Quantum of Sillyname wins this, even with so much competition, most of Brosnan and Craig's efforts tbh.
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I change my mind, worse bond is quantum of solace. only because the plot line is some nutter trying slightly reduce a countries water supply ... I mean, no nukes/fancy doom weapons or terror.... just someone wanting to control some poor countries water supply ...... I suspected this film was influcened by some environmentalist trying to show what happens when we run out of water....
Best for me would be one of three films and I find it hard to choose

Casino Royale - superb Daniel Craig film
Goldfinger and Live and Let Die a close tied second because of the imagery and them taking me right back to my childhood rather than the film's themselves.

As for worst, whatever film that invisible car is in. I can't watch it because of that.
I liked the Roger Moore Bond films. A bit silly, not too serious. Car chases are raw footage (no CGI).

The 1995 reboot was great too - Golden Eye, with lots of action sequences including the tanks chase.

Daniel Craig was a change of direction and it made Bond too serious for me imo.

Granted we don't need to go back to 70s or 80s Bond, but if we can go back to 1995 Golden Eye era, then that is the perfect balance imo.
disregarding any of the Daniel Craig ones becuase IMO they are not James Bond movies sorry.
Also I am saying this disregarding any of the Daniel Craig ones becuase IMO they are not James Bond movies sorry.
I remember my dad saying the same about Daltons bonds when I was young.

I like Craig, mainly on the strength of Casino Royale and Eva Green was an excellent bond girl. It was also a breath of fresh air after the last couple of Brosnan outings.

Quantum and No Time To Die can get in the bin though.
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